167 Vivian and Arcio rene

 (The royal palace group, who had eaten poisonous plants for the first time in their lives, were terrified, but they seemed to have gotten over it when they saw no change in their physical condition, and started eating normally). The rest of us decided to walk around the harem for a while. It would have been fine if we had all stayed in the room and waited for the next action, but if we had shrunk too much, we might have gotten carried away and the action might have escalated. The quickest way to end the "harassment" while satisfying the other party's taste for torment is to make them think that the poisonous plant had some effect on them, but at the same time make them realize that they will suffer a painful retribution if they go too far. For this reason, all the searchers decided to put on a little more make-up (to make people think that we were trying to cover up our pale faces) and walk a little slower than usual.

(I hope they are easy to understand and will fall for this.

 As Deanna walked proudly through the harem, the people she passed looked at her with obvious strangeness and hostility. The harem of the Stanza Empire is many times larger than the harem of Elgrand, and has many more women, and Diana is inwardly dismayed.

(Though she had thought the same thing when she had entered Ergrand's harem last year. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the best way to make the most of your time here. ...... Well, in the case of stanzas, the number of wives is said to be a symbol of a man's authority and wealth, so it may be necessary for the head of state to have this number of wives. I wonder how he could have forty-five children with so many wives.

 There were also a certain number of princes and princesses who died before they were born, or before they came of age even if they were born safely, so the number of people who bore fruit must have been much larger. His Majesty is known to be addicted to womanizing, and even now, he has a reputation for taking out a different woman every night and encouraging her to do so. No matter how hard you try, you can't have a baby if the timing isn't right. If you were playing with a different woman every night, it would be difficult to get the right timing for one woman. You must be very lucky... or...

《Oh my God!

 Just as I was about to get lost in thought, I heard a scream and the sound of something breaking at the end of the hallway. As all eyes around her turned to look in that direction, Deanna also headed towards the back to confirm the cause of the noise.
 Trembling in front of the brightly colored pieces of pottery was a beautiful but still young girl who looked like a maid. As I had heard before, there are no uniforms for servants in the harem of the stanzas, and their status is indicated by the luxury of their clothes and the presence or absence of jewelry. If this is the case, she probably could not have been a lady-in-waiting, as she wore simple clothes with little embroidery.
 When the people around her realized that Deanna had gone to her, they all made way for her. Perhaps they were trying to see how a foreign woman would behave. In the meantime, the girl, realizing that Diana had noticed her, turned pitifully pale and trembled. ...... This is not normal.

Oh, .......

 Rita, who was standing just behind Deanna, let out a short cry. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

"Dear Deanna. This is the girl who brought breakfast to our room this morning.
《......, I see.

 It's almost a silent whisper, so it could have been done in Elgrande, but just to be safe, I'm speaking in stanza. Rita's thoughtfulness is indeed unfailing, even in a foreign country.
 And from the looks of the girl's trepidation, there's no doubt that the girl brought the poisoned dish knowingly. ...... to such a child, who is still young and looks no older than ten.

I've been thinking about this yesterday, but the Stanza Empire has a way of treating children. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

 While feeling angry inside, Diana glanced at Lurie behind her. If she was smart enough to understand the relationships between servants, she would be able to figure out in a short time who and where this girl was working for. Rulie, who seemed to have understood Deanna's intentions correctly, silently gave her a single nod of approval.
 After giving her a grateful look, Deanna approached the trembling girl again.

I'm sorry. Are you hurt?
Is .........
Calm down. Breathe slowly.

 Speak as softly as you can. I don't want to chase down a girl who can't even speak, but if I don't, this corridor will simply be in danger. From the looks of it, the only people who are allowed to wear shoes in this harem are the lady of the house and the senior servants, while the lower-ranking maids like this girl are barefoot. Someone would get hurt if there were broken pieces of pottery left behind.

You must have been surprised to see us, strangers and foreigners. I'm sorry about that.
Oh, that .........
What is it that you've dropped? Judging by the ...... debris, it's probably a vase or something.
Uh, .......
I don't know if it's a replacement, but I'll give you something from my country later. I don't know if it's a replacement or not, but I'll give you one from my country later. It was broken because of me.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. ...... In this light, perhaps we should thank the conservative leaders who took the trouble to make poor preparations for the mission.
 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get the best out of it.

Rita. Did you find the cleaning tools?
It was in your room. Would you like me to go and get them?
Yes, please. It's not safe to leave debris scattered around.

 Deanna's sensible words caused a stir in the room, and then...

Well... The Elgrand Kingdom is a very lowly country, isn't it?

 The voice and the content of the words came from the far end of the corridor, high-handed and surprisingly direct in its sarcasm. I was mildly startled and looked up in the direction of where the voice came from. I saw a woman dressed in clothes that at first glance showed that a lot of money and time and effort had gone into them, and adorned with an overabundance of jewelry, leisurely coming toward me with a large number of maidservants in tow. She has dark skin, lapis lazuli eyes, and waist-length glossy black hair that is intricately and brilliantly woven. She's not the type of person you'd expect to find in the Kingdom of Ergeland, but she's certainly a beautiful woman without question.
 As soon as people saw her, they all lowered their eyes and made way for her. A woman who seemed to be a lady of a certain status was no exception.
 She was a woman of some status, and even her concubine was careful to keep out of the way. From the looks of her, she is still young, not much older than Diana. An imperial princess, or perhaps the emperor's favorite princess.
 The woman walked leisurely up to Deanna and bowed slowly.

I am Vivian Kusupreo. My name is Vivian Kusupreo and I've been granted a room in the harem by His Majesty the Emperor.
Thank you for your kind attention. I'm Deanna Crester, the head of the Elgrand Kingdom Legation.

 Deanna's mind was running at full speed as she returned greetings to greetings. The woman--Vivian's last name is Kuspleo. As I recall, in this country, princes and princesses born from side chambers are given the surname of Stanzaum without exception. If you think about it, she who doesn't take the name Stanzaum is a side-child.

(Kusupreo, I believe, is ......)

One of the ladies you introduced to me last night was named Kuspleo. As I recall, Eliza-sama ...... was the most beautiful of the many ladies in your entourage, and she was favored and trusted by the Emperor.
What a waste of words. I'm sure my mother would be pleased to know that she received such words from a foreign emissary.
Master Eliza is your mother?
Yes, she is. But I'm not related to the Stanza family myself. After my father died, my mother was taken in by the Emperor himself and raised to the harem as his consort. At that time, by the mercy of the Emperor, I, my mother's daughter, was also given a room.

 I see. So to speak, she's the stepdaughter of Eliza, the concubine. In the Kingdom of Ergeland, stepchildren are automatically adopted by their new families (most stepchildren of mothers are given the surname of their new fathers. In rare cases, a man with a child is adopted by the daughter of a lord, but in such cases, the child is naturally adopted by the lord's family, and the family name is also that of the lord's family), but this does not seem to be the case in Stanza. I'm not familiar with the situation of the imperial family in Stanza, so I don't know whether Vivian is a rare case or a customary one.
 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.

I'm not sure if that's customary or not. I'm sure you're not the only one who's trying to get a hold of the king of my country and his harem, but you're also trying to get hold of the emperor of my stanza and his harem.
《......》Well. Where did such an awe-inspiring story come from?
Don't be modest. I have the utmost respect for you. After all, since I was born as a woman, I should take full advantage of that and aim for the top. Especially if you were born with a beautiful figure like yours, it is a wonderful treasure that Heaven has given to you.

(Is this sarcasm suitably far-fetched?)

 If I were to interpret it roughly, it would be a big sarcasm that says, "Just because you were born with a beautiful face and body, how greedy can you be to try to cajole not only your own country but also the king of another country? It's not as difficult to understand as the nobles of the Kingdom of Ergeland, but it seems that even in the upper classes of the Stanza Empire, the roundabout sarcasm is familiar in its own way.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ....... I'm not that great of a woman.
Hmm. It's also necessary to show oneself modestly. But to learn the name of the Emperor's favored concubine from last night's banquet alone, and to praise her so well, that's something you can only do if you're aiming for this harem. Excessive modesty will make you look meaner than you really are.
No, you don't mean... It's just that I've been disciplined since I was a child to learn the names of everyone who greets me at once. Besides, Master Eliza has been very kind to me, so I was particularly impressed by her.

 I am sure that Dualis has trained me since I was a child that it is best to learn the names of the people in my domain as many times as possible, and I owe Eliza a debt of gratitude for having discouraged the emperor from following me to Diana's bedchamber at the end of the feast last night. So I'm not lying at all.
 I'm not lying.

But, Mr. Minister, it would be too humble of me to take away the work of a lowly man. A cleaning tool is not something that a nobleman would have. Such behavior would lower the prestige of the Kingdom of Elgrand. --Even so, it's a country with such a barbaric and inappropriate costume.
Hahaha, ......?
Well, don't you understand? A modest and chaste woman of the stanzas would refuse to walk in such a revealing costume that emphasizes her breasts in front of anyone other than her betrothed, even if she were torn to pieces. Only the lowest class of women who sell their bodies would walk around in such clothes in the stanzas. The difference in costumes is unavoidable due to the country's characteristics, but it would be wise to take seriously the fact that noble people like to dress like women, which is considered the lowest form of dress in the stanzas.

 ...... I see. I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it. This woman, Vivienne, is quite a skilled conversationalist, wrapping a straightforward sarcastic remark in an advisory shell and making it into a threat.

(But then again, it's the clothes. ......)

 If the formal wear of the noblewomen of the Kingdom of Ergeland is similar in some respects to the garb of the s*x industry of the Empire of Stanza, it is a matter of prejudice. And honestly speaking, Diana herself is neither hurt nor itchy when she's mistaken for a prostitute. Her reputation in the aristocracy is that of an extremely playful woman, so in a way it is similar. In the first place, what is so low and barbaric about them that they chose to use their own bodies as tools of trade in order to support themselves and their families?
 I think so, but that's just Deanna's personal feelings, everyone else's feelings may be different. I'm not going to take off the costume of the Kingdom of Ergeland because of my position as the ambassador of the Kingdom of Ergeland, but I think it would be better to discuss what each of us wants to do.
 I'm not going to take off my costume because I'm a minister of the kingdom of Elgrand, but I think it would be better if we talked about what we each want to do.

Thank you, Vivian Kuspleo. You're very kind to offer me advice.
What's ......?
I'm not familiar with the culture of the Stanza Empire, so there may be some things that may bother me in the future, but please don't hesitate to ask. --The Kingdom of Ergeland is not a barbaric, uncivilized country that will dismiss you on the spot for speaking rudely to the royal family.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. In the event that you're in the market for a brand new pair of shoes or boots, then you're in the right place. I'm sure you're not the only one. Be thankful that the royal family of the Kingdom of Elgrand is not like the Imperial Family of Stanza, which behaves arrogantly towards its people just because they are royalty and favored princesses.
 As a reddened Vivian turned away from the smiling Diana, a group of girls with brooms came running from the back of the room. They had heard the commotion and had come to clean up.
 Now that the attendants are here, there's nothing for an outsider to do. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work.

You're going to regret this.

 As she passed by, she heard some disturbing words, but she pretended not to hear them. She walked leisurely across several corridors, reading the signs and moving towards the less popular ones, and finally, when no one was around, Diana stopped.

When no one was around, Deanna stopped. "Wow, ...... you scared me.
"What do you think of that?

 Kai, who had been guarding her, chuckled. Deanna nodded earnestly.

No, I mean, you don't expect someone to just come in here and start fighting with you like that, do you?
"How dare you call me lowly, barbaric, ...... and that sort of thing?
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. No prostitute would wear such a gorgeous and elaborate dress.
"Well, there's no harm in being mistaken for a prostitute. If you're attacked while walking outside, you can just turn on them.

 She replied to Aina's indignation and asked a simple question, "I mean," she said.

In terms of skin exposure, to be honest, this is more intense than the Kingdom of Elgrand, isn't it? I was a little surprised to see that underneath that hot veil she was dressed almost like underwear.
I'm not sure what to say. You're wearing an upper body that only hides your breasts, a curly skirt, bare feet and sandals. When she goes out, she may be covered by a veil, but in the house, that's not very chaste, is it?

 Rita's comment was met with nods from Mia, Lurie, and Aina, while Kai, who was disguised as a beautiful woman on the outside, laughed with all his might. He seems to have wisely realized that a man should not interfere in a woman's open conversation.
 --Yeah. Yesterday, when Diana and the royal court group were guided into the harem of Stanza for the first time, what really shocked them was the attire of the inhabitants. They thought that they would be living under a veil, just like the people they had seen in the city, but instead, they found themselves in a place filled with colorful splendor.
 If it was only colorful, I was used to seeing it in the Ergeland's palace. I would have been surprised, but not shocked. --Unless their clothing designs were incredibly revealing.

The dresses of the Kingdom of Elgrand are actually not that revealing. Legs are completely covered, and in formal attire, fingertips are covered by gloves, and only a glimpse of the arms can be seen. Nowadays, women with large breasts are considered beautiful, so designs that emphasize breasts are popular among young people, but that's not absolute. There are even dresses that cover up to the neck.
"You often choose a dress with a gorgeous collar, don't you, Raia? I've always thought that she has really good taste, because it shows off her gorgeous face.
"If you think about it, the only parts of the dress that are definitely exposed in the Kingdom of Elgrand are actually the face and head.
I think so, Lurie. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to get the best results, you can contact us at our website.
It's not that these clothes are not meant to be s*xy ......, it's just that you have to tighten the underwear (corset) to emphasize your breasts, so it's painful and difficult to move. I remember the first time I was put into an adult dress, I thought it was going to be mild torture.

 Although it is painful, the corset at least hides the torso, and in the Kingdom of Elgrande, a noblewoman would never expose her stomach except when making love with her husband or lover on the bed at night. The same goes for the feet. Although awareness has changed a lot now, a long time ago, if a woman accidentally ran in front of a man and showed her ankles, it was interpreted as an invitation and she could not complain if he pushed her down on the spot.
 As a person from such a country, no matter how much I was indoors with only my relatives, I couldn't shake the impression that wearing only a piece of cloth covering my chest for the upper half of my body, a knee-length skirt or sarouel from the waist down, and sandals that didn't cover my feet was even lighter than underwear. I thought she would hide herself thoroughly in front of men other than the Emperor, but there were a few men who were allowed to be present at last night's banquet. But at last night's banquet, there were a few men who were allowed to be present, and they were dressed as if they were indoors. Where was the concept of a chaste stanza woman who should never expose her skin to a man other than her husband?

I know that it is reasonable to dress cooler in the house, because wearing heavy clothes under the veil would be very difficult in this country where the daytime temperature is extremely high. I understand that it's reasonable to dress cooler inside the house, but I don't really understand how ...... can be called "revealing" when you're dressed like that. I don't know what to make of that.
She was probably making fun of the fact that she was wearing an Elgrand-style dress in front of an audience of random men.
"Even if that's the case, Mia. By that logic, what about your wife last night?
"It is forbidden in the Empire of the Stanzas to show one's skin to a man other than one's husband without his permission. It is not forbidden for a concubine to remove her veil in front of a man who has been invited to the banquet by the Emperor.
So it depends on the husband's mood. Even in the Kingdom of Ergeland, especially in the aristocracy, the custom of treating women as if they were the appendages of men still persists. The Stanza Empire seems to have even less freedom for women than the Ergeland Kingdom.

 I knew that, but it's a troublesome country. I'm not sure what to make of that.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand how I feel.

I guess men everywhere are selfish, control freaks, and s*x-crazed. The way women dress in this country is so blatant it's almost funny.
What do you mean, "so obvious"?
Don't you get it? When you go out, or even in the house, you can't take off your veil without your husband's permission if you have male visitors. It's forbidden to expose your skin in front of anyone but your husband, right?
Yes. So, I understand that you're selfish and controlling. But being faithful to your s*xuality?
Maybe it's hard for women to understand. ....... A woman who is a chaste, veiled wife in front of men other than her husband, but reveals her skin only in front of her husband, who is the only one who is entitled to remove the veil. There are a lot of men who are tempted by such situations.
"Hmm. ......?

 I'm not sure I understand it. I'm not sure what to make of it.

You mean you're one of those guys?
"Me? I don't care if it's a girl I like. Whether it's a dress, underwear, or a veil, I'm confident that I'll burn.
Wouldn't you say that's unprincipled ......?
You wouldn't say that. It's only for girls I like.
It's only for girls I like. ......
Deanna, are you okay? ......?

Why are you swinging at me there?

 I'm not sure why I'm really worried about Aina's question, but I'm going to keep a straight face. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

(Maybe it's because I'm in a foreign country that I'm not used to and suddenly I'm getting into fights. I want to be healed by interacting with plants. ......)

 --When Deanna calls out, the local plants usually respond. Even now, as if sensing Deanna's heart, a voice came from further in.

"Let's go over there for a minute.
"That's sudden.
I'm in the mood to touch some greenery.

 Rita and I talked and talked and talked, but we kept going. As we passed through a narrow space, I couldn't tell if it was a path or a crevice, Kai said sharply and quietly, "Dee.

What's wrong?
There are people up ahead. It doesn't look dangerous, but be careful.
...... Okay.

 After confirming that Kai had activated the Tongzhi, we proceeded to the back. At the end of the corner...

It's not that big of a yard.

 It's not a very big garden. It is not a very large garden, but it is full of colorful and pretty flowers. It was almost winter, but in this garden, it seemed as if the season had stopped at spring.
 And in the middle of this flower garden...


 There was a small, dainty girl who looked like a fairy of blooming flowers, plucking the flower cords with a familiar hand. Her gently braided golden hair shone like the sun, and her gray eyes had a mysterious bluish tint. The gentle face does not make the viewer feel alarmed.

I'm sorry about that. You're the envoy from the exotic ...... kingdom of Ergeland, aren't you?

 The words that flowed from her mouth were as gentle as the atmosphere she wore. I'm not sure what to make of it.

I am Arsiolene Barloon, and I have a room in the harem here. I would like to extend a hearty welcome to the Minister of State from the Kingdom of Ergeland.
Thank you very much for your kind greeting. I am Deanna Crestor, the head of the Kingdom of Elgrand's delegation. ...... Excuse me, Master Arciolene, but did you say your family name is Barloon?
Yes. There is a deep connection between the House of Balroon and the Kingdom of Elgrand. It's said that the current head of the family's younger sister once fell in love with a student from the Kingdom of Ergeland and got married to her.
Is that so? That person's name is Lauren. Lauren Stresia, isn't it?

 At Deanna's words, the girl who called herself Arciolene widened her mysterious blue-gray eyes.

Do you know her, Miss Lauren?
Of course I do. The Marquis of Stresia and his family have been very good to me. I owe an inexpressible debt of gratitude to you and your wife, as well as to your daughter, Raia.
Well... You're the Lord's niece. How are you?
Of course I am. You helped me a lot when I came to the Stanza Empire this time.

 I never thought I'd be able to come to the Stanza Empire and talk about Stanzans and Elgrands. The Marquesses of Stresia have lost touch with the Barloon family for the most part now, and have said that they don't know the details of the current situation. ...... Looking at Arciolene, it seems that she is not the daughter of the head of the family. I'm not sure.

The garden is really splendid, by the way. Is this the lady Arciolene?
Yes. ...... My father's been studying plants for many years.
The plants in the stanzas grow strong even with little water, but they're not gorgeous. The flowering season is short. Elgland's plants are gorgeous, but they die quickly without water. So I thought that if I could cross both of them, I could create a flower that would bloom spectacularly with the least amount of water.
《...... is wonderful.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. But, as usual, that knowledge slept quietly and was to become commonplace and unremarkable sooner or later. ...... It is the greatest joy for the family of the Sage that this "eventually" will come while they are still alive.

(...... I never thought I'd see a view like this beyond the sea.

 The world is sometimes beyond even the wise eyes of the wise. That's why it's so interesting and I can't take my eyes off it.

This flower looks like a Maali, doesn't it?
Do you know about Maari? Yes, it's based on Maari. My father said it's a combination of nava and momono.
I see. That's a good mix.

 The Maari doesn't die even if there's not much water, but it only blooms once a year, during the rainy season.
 Momono is a common flower in the kingdom of El Grande, and is known to bloom twice a year, in spring and autumn. They require a lot of water to grow, and while they thrive well in the rainy Ergeland Kingdom, they are difficult to grow in the Stanza Empire.

 These two plants, which look completely different from each other, are actually the same species of plant that evolved from a perennial plant called nerba. Nava is a common weed in both the Kingdom of Ergeland and the Empire of Stanza, a weed that grows on its own when you plant a field and must be pulled out periodically. It is a weed that grows on its own and has to be pulled out regularly. It is a plant that has the highest fertility and vitality, and is probably the most familiar plant that every Elgrandian has seen. Incidentally, Nava's flowers are surprisingly small, and they are not well known because they fall and go to seed quickly.

The Nava flower is so small that it is not well known, but if you look at it closely, it is really pretty. It's a very rational and effective move.

 The world is an amazingly wide place, and I never knew such a scholar existed. If possible, I would like to meet him and hear his story.

Are you familiar with flowers, Mr. Minister?
Yes. I'm very fond of living things in general, and I've been especially familiar with plants since I was a child.
Is that so! In the Stanza Empire, there aren't many people who grow flowers as a hobby. ......
Even if we tried to grow them, the climate would get in the way.
Yeah. That's why my father wanted to create a flower that would suit the climate of Stanza and also please people's eyes and hearts.
What a wonderful father you have. Did your father give you the seeds for these flowers?
No, ...... didn't come from my father, but it's definitely a flower that he created.

 With a slightly forlorn expression, staring off into the distance, Arciolene muttered to herself.
 Feeling something in her expression that she could not pass by, Diana took a step closer.

"Master Arciolene. Do you mind if I visit this garden again?
Yes, of course. But a flower garden like this would not be unusual for the people of the Ergeland Kingdom.
No. It's not every day you see a garden as carefully tended as this one.
My Lord, ......
If you don't mind me calling you Diana. I'm not used to being addressed by my position or title.
Are you sure you want to go to ......?
Of course.
I'm not used to being called by my position or title. Alciolene is a bit long, so it's hard for foreigners to call you that.
I'm sure it's not, but I appreciate your concern. --Miss Raine.

 Deanna smiles back at Raine's subdued smile.
 A cool autumn breeze blew between the two of them.
 --Soon, the sun will rise in the middle of the sky.