168 Imperial Capital Iftane

 Time marches on, the sun passes over the mid-heaven, and for a while...

"So, Princess. Shall we go?
Thank you, Your Highness.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.


 It's a good idea to have a look at the website to see if you can find any useful information.

In the event that you've got any questions regarding where by and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
However, since it would be dangerous for a young maiden to walk alone in an unfamiliar country, you are requested to notify the Emperor and have Prince Exiga accompany you when you go out.

 The paper that came with my lunch (which, as usual, contained poisonous plants, so I ate it after detoxifying it as usual) had this written on it in stanza language. The spellbook of the Tongzhi is sound-only and does not translate the written words, so Deanna translated the contents into Elgrande and read them.
 When the royal court heard Deanna's translation, their brows wrinkled.

This ...... is written in a very friendly manner, but...
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

It's not free at all if you can't go out without His Highness.
I agree with Aina. I agree with Aina. If you don't want Deanna-sama to go out, you can just tell her that you can't accompany her today because you have something to do.
"Yes, really. Deanna-sama, shouldn't you make a formal protest about this?

 At Mia's suggestion, Deanna, who was putting antidote plants into the pot, turned around and said, "Yes.

"Yes. If the prince tries to restrict me from going out in the way that Lurie said, I will send an official letter of protest as a delegate of the Kingdom of Ergeland. I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
You may be right, but ......
In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do. You've managed to get Dee away from the Elgrand Kingdom, and from the prince's point of view, now is the time to play the game of love.
I see. In addition, Diana-sama's favorability rating has already been lowered by yesterday's traffic and audience with the Emperor. I'm sure you're aware of the fact that you're starting from a negative position in terms of favorability, so you'll put Deanna-sama first, no matter what.
...... Apart from the fact that my sensitivity to His Highness the Prince has neither increased nor decreased since we first met in the Kingdom of Ergeland. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I know he's always been that way, so my favorability rating won't move up or down.
"Dee, you do think that His Highness is not a bad person, right? Doesn't that mean that his likability has increased compared to the beginning?
"Even if he's not a bad person, there are some people you just can't like. In the case of His Imperial Highness, perhaps because he was born into the royal family, he can't escape his unconscious arrogance. I don't dislike him, but that doesn't mean that I like him. I think his academic knowledge is interesting, but that's all.
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a bit sorry for the prince who's about to make a big move on Diana. ......
It's what he deserves. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this. --Mia, I'm going to write you a thank-you note stating that I'd like to go out this afternoon, so can you return my lunch and deliver it to the counter?
"Yes, sir.

 The response was lightning fast, just as Kai and Rita had expected. The response was lightning fast, just as Kai and Rita had expected, and Deanna and Rita hurried to get ready.

"Kai. I'm sorry, but you have to take care of everyone.
"Okay. Dee, I'm sure you'll be fine, but you have to be careful.
Yeah. I'll see you later.
Have a good day.

 After being seen off by Kai and the royal palace group, I headed for the gate to the rendezvous point.


And so, Princess. I'm sure you'll agree.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. In the Kingdom of Ergeland, he was light on his feet and basically didn't have any followers other than Samba, but that doesn't seem to be the case in his own country.

The palaces other than the harem are forbidden to women unless there is something special, but this time I have a special permission to show you around. I can take you to either of them, wherever you wish.
Thank you for the kindness of the Stanza Empire. It's true that I'm also interested in the Imperial Palace where His Majesty resides but ...... I would like to visit the Imperial City today.
That's good. Iftane is a wonderful city with a long history. I'm sure the princess will love it.

 Escorted by a happy Exiga, Diana was able to exit the palace quite smoothly. The main street in front of the palace is lined with large, craggy stone buildings.

This is a military camp. Since Stanza has a large number of soldiers, we've set up a residence for them around the palace to protect it as well.
Is that so?
Yes. The appearance of the palace will change again once you pass through this quarter. With the Imperial Palace at its center, the appearance of Iftarne differs from east to west, north to south, and south to north. The northern section, from the harbor to the Imperial Palace, where the princess passed yesterday, is for the general population of Iftarne. To the south are the residences of the ruling class, to the east are the commercial and industrial districts, and to the west are the academic and research facilities and temples.

 Exiga seems to be very happy and talkative. When he was in the Kingdom of Ergeland, he was known for his royal bearing, but today he looks more like a common young man than a member of the royal family. Perhaps he is relaxed now that he has successfully returned to his country after fulfilling the great task of being the ambassador.

 If it's ......, I don't think it's a good idea that we don't see any of Rita's luggage behind Diana.

The southern area, where the mansions of the great families stand, is truly majestic and worth seeing. --But if you're a princess who values "knowledge" above all else, you might enjoy the West Ward more. The university where I usually spend my time is also in the West Ward, and it's the area where I have the most access in Iftarne, so you won't have any trouble. You can even enter the Grand Library if you wish.
Is Your Highness usually at the university there?
Yes. I have several degrees and I'm working on those. I have several degrees, so I'm working on my research. Even so, I'm in a higher position in the university, so it's hard for me to just do research.
You're also working at the university, aren't you?
Yes. Yesterday, when I came back to the university, I had a lot of piled up work to do. ...... But of course, when the princess calls me, I'll rush over no matter what. For me, there is nothing that takes priority over the princess.
Thank you very much for your concern.
It's nothing to be thankful for. --Shall we head to the West District today?

 I wonder if she thought that Deanna was interested in the West District, the university of Exiga, from the conversation so far. I'm sure you've heard of it.

No, Your Highness. Please go to the North District.
North Ward ......? But didn't you see the streets of Kita Ward just yesterday?
The view I saw was only along the main road that stretches from the harbor to the Imperial Palace. If it's a district where the people live, then I'm sure there's a different view off the main road.
That may be so, but...
As the Minister of State, I have to learn how the people living in the Stanza Empire are spending their days. I believe that's the only way to truly "know the country.
...... I understand. As you wish.

Exiga nodded and told Samba to prepare the carriage. Being the able squire that he was, he seemed to have everything ready, and soon a fine carriage arrived. Diana thought about it for a while, thanked him, and got into the carriage without hesitation.

Thank you, Your Highness. I'll be fine around here.

 The carriage stopped when it reached the middle of the main street in the northern part of the city, as if it were an Elgrand coach driving through the countryside.

(......) As expected, it took quite a while.

 Considering how long it took us to get there yesterday, it was a good decision to take the carriage instead of walking. However, the carriage would not be able to enter the "destination" from here.
 I heard a call from outside, "Oh, Princess! Exiga gave Deanna a suspicious look as she stopped the carriage.

What do you mean by "fine around here"? ......
The place I want to go is just up ahead. It looks like we'll have to go through some narrow alleys, so this big carriage won't be able to get us there.
It's ......! Princess, that's not a place where a nobleman like you would want to go.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

"Well, well... ......
"Shall we go, Your Highness? --You're not going to go back on your word that you're going to take me where I want to go, are you?

 I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

I'm sure you can. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I don't know much about the geography of this area either. I'll go back to the palace and prepare a map.
That won't be necessary.

 A lustrous iridescent tail feather fluttered above Diana's head as she got off the carriage. It's a bird with brown feathers that shine brightly in the sunlight, but Riku's feathers were so clear that they looked like an iridescence.
 With Exiga at his side, Riku seemed to have decided to lead Diana deeper into the forest with his movements, without making a sound. Exiga followed behind Deanna, who had started walking after Riku's tail feathers, looking flustered.

Don't worry, Your Highness. I know exactly where I'm going and I'm walking the right way.
That can't be right. Even if you had a map in your head, this area is characterized by frequent changes in scenery.
That's part of the reason why I said there's no problem.

 As we walked, exchanging words with Exiga who tried to stop us, the narrow alleyway ended and an open space came into view.
 --The street is much narrower than the main street, lined with small street vendors, and on either side of the street are small stone houses that look like they are about to collapse. Surrounded by tall and luxurious buildings, this place is the one that Diana wanted to come to, as if it were the only place left behind.
 The inhabitants, who were tending to their stores in the open air, looked at Deanna and her friends with a strange look. Finally, Diana turns around and makes eye contact with the stanzas.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask all of you soldiers to wait here for a while.
Princess, it's too dangerous!
I can't have armed soldiers accompanying me where I'm going. --For young sisters and brothers who were almost cut down for no reason just yesterday, a blade must be the most terrifying thing of all. I'm not going to allow you to go out of your way to show them the trauma you've been through.
But, Princess, they have a duty to protect her. ......
But princess, they have a duty to protect you.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with that.

I'm sorry. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
《...... ah?

 I can see that the people around him are looking at him with concern, as he seems to be in a bad mood. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you have. ...... It seems that this man is very drunk, so he may have loosened the fetters of reason and is behaving like this.

I visited Saja and Porte, two siblings who live in this city. Do you know where they live?
Yes, ...... Saja and Porte?
Yes. I ran into them in town yesterday. Porte didn't seem to be feeling well, so I thought it would be a shame to interfere, but I shared some herbs with her. Today, I wanted to see how he was doing.

 As Deanna spoke, the man's eyes widened. I could see the gazes of the surrounding street vendors and the residents walking along the street all looking at me at once.

So it's you at ....... A beautiful princess from a distant foreign country. The miraculous saint is ......!
I'm not a saint or anything of the sort, though I do come from a foreign country across the ocean, the Kingdom of Ergeland. The only thing I can do for Porte-kun is to share some medicinal herbs with him.

 The man who had changed his attitude fell flat on the spot. I'm not sure if the man's action brought him back to himself or not, but the people around him fell to their knees at once.

To us, you are truly a saint who has come down to this time period. We've long since given up on anyone's hand of salvation. ......》
Salvation isn't something I've been able to do to the extent that you can say that .......
Even so, just because you have given your heart to a poor person like us, you are to us as good as the saintly woman of legend.

 ...... This is a more serious situation than I thought. I'm not sure what to make of it.

《......So, where are Saja-san and Porte-kun?
Oh, thank you very much! If it's their house...
My Master! We'll show you the way!

 I remember the man and woman who came rushing over in a panic. I'm pretty sure they were two of the group that was talking to Saja and carrying the porte yesterday. Judging by their appearance, they must be neighbors of Saja.
 Deanna smiled again and nodded.

Thank you. It's nice to meet you.
Haha, yes! --Dad, close up the store, and come with me right away!

 The two men stood in front of Deanna and said, "I'm coming. The man who was talking to Deanna also called out, and the two stood in front of Deanna and said, "I'm coming." Deanna and Rita walked behind them, and Exiga and Samba, who had completely lost the timing to speak, followed behind them.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 I'm not sure how long I can keep my mouth shut, so I ask what's on my mind. In response to Deanna's words, the two people walking ahead of me shook their heads "No".

I heard that Saja and Porte's parents died one after the other shortly after Porte was born. That's why Saja came to Iftane with the baby Porte to seek work and shelter from her father, who was related to her.
《Well, if Porte was a baby, Saja wouldn't have been old enough to get a satisfactory job yet.
Yes. At that time, Saja was a girl not even ten years old. But in this country, ...... only a few people of high status are exempted from taxes on the grounds that they are not yet adults. We, the poor, are especially heavily taxed from the moment we are born. If they don't work, if they don't have a job, Saja and Porte will be captured for violating their duty to pay taxes and will have no choice but to fall into slavery.
《Slaves ......》

 I've read about it in books, but as an Elgrandian, I don't know how to react when I hear that word mentioned in passing. The Kingdom of Ergeland ......, or rather the City-State of the Lake, banned the institution of "slavery" at a very early stage, where people treat others as commodities and violate their rights to live as human beings. This was not out of a spirit of charity (in fact, slavery at that time had an aspect of helping the weak, as it allowed the wealthy to provide for the needy without regard to blood relations, etc.). (In fact, slavery had the aspect of helping the weak, allowing the needy to be provided for by the wealthy, regardless of blood relation.

...... I've heard rumors. I've heard rumors that there is no such thing as slavery in the kingdom of Elgrand. No, in fact, there is no such thing as a pauper.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

...... Yes, that's right. The status system in the Kingdom of Ergeland only defines three types of people: royalty, nobility, and commoners.
《After all, ......, what happens to those who can't pay their taxes?
Basically, it's up to the lords of each region to take charge. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. In the Kingdom of Ergeland, most of the people are engaged in farming and herding, but since these jobs are affected by climate and disasters, it may be difficult to pay the required taxes. In such a case, the tax rate will be lowered, and the lords of the various regions will distribute the tax so that the people can survive the winter of the year.
Taxes will be reduced ......? There's no such thing as a government official forcibly collecting taxes or locking up those who can't pay as criminals.
I can't say there's nothing like that. The Kingdom of Ergeland is a country with the King of Ergeland at the top, but the real power in politics in each region is entrusted to the nobles - the lords of each region. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at our own website.

 But," Diana continued, smiling.

Once such misdeeds are brought to the attention of His Majesty, it's a different story. The King of my country is a man who respects the peace and tranquility of his people above all else. My King will never forgive a lord who oppresses his people for his evil deeds.
...... King Ergeland truly, deeply from the bottom of his heart, desires that, doesn't he?
Yes. This time, too, King Juke wished for peace and safety not only for the people of Ergeland, but also for all the people living in the Stanza Empire, and sent me as an envoy of friendship for that purpose.

 What did the man think of Deanna's answer? After a few moments of silence, he let out a thin breath.

...... I'm sorry, sir. I asked too much of you.

No way. It's my duty to make direct contact with the people of the Stanza Empire and deepen our relationship. Please don't worry about it.
The princess is really kind. ...... We should be grateful to His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Erland for sending the princess.

 When you have said that much, the road cuts off and you come to a small square. In a corner of the square, surrounded by houses that looked like they would collapse in an earthquake, even more shabby than the houses on either side of the street, I saw Saja, with whom I had spoken yesterday, building a fire. It seems that Saja also sensed the presence of people, and she looked up and rolled her eyes.

Miss ......!

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm here.

I'm sorry to bother you. How's Porte-kun's condition?
Miss. I didn't think you'd actually come to visit me. ......
Of course. Doctors don't just throw their patients out once they've seen them.

 With a smile that put the patient's family at ease, which she had learned from the doctors back home ("In Deanna-sama's case, it remains to be seen how effective it will be due to the Crester family's face," she said with a legitimate note that sounded like disrespect), Deanna looked into the pot. The pot still contained nothing but water, but beside it was the first grain she had seen and the yellow bag she had given him yesterday. Apparently, he was about to prepare a meal for Porte.

Are you going to eat now?
Yes. Thankfully, I gave Porte the red medicine you gave me yesterday and her fever went down quite a bit. ...... She also took the blue medicine without any reluctance and her appetite seems to be coming back, so I thought I'd make the herb porridge you told me about.
I'm glad to hear that.

 The medicine seems to be working very well. Of course the quality of the medicinal herbs she brought with her may have something to do with it, but in this kind of life, she would have had to rely on her own healing power even if she got sick, so it's probably more of a synergistic reaction to her first experience with medicinal effects. In fact, it is a miracle that Porte has survived to this age.
 Deanna said a few words to Saja, and then picked up the grain, which was probably specific to the stanza. She closed her eyes and listened to their voices.

Haha, yes.
How do you usually cook this grain?
I put the grains in boiling water and cook them until they're soft, then season them with salt and spices. If I'm lucky enough to get some vegetables, I sometimes cook them together.
I see. Well then, may I ask you to cook it just like I said?
Yes, of course.

 Deanna crammed the voice she heard into human form and gave detailed instructions to Saja, including when to add the herbs. Saja seemed to be a child with a good memory, and she nodded her head and said, "Okay, I'll try.

Yes, Deanna-sama.
I'm going to check on Porte now. Can you follow up on Saja for me?
Yes, sir.

 The squire's brief conversation made Saja roll her eyes again, but she quietly bowed her head without interrupting.

《Please take care of ......》
Yes, sir. I'll call you if I need anything.

 Smiling, Diana entered the stone house that Saja had shown her. Naturally, it was dusty, with barely enough space for a bed and the necessities of life, but even so, there were flowers in the small windows and beautiful ornaments in the hollows of the walls to keep it from being too bleak.
 --In the back of the room, on a raised bed, I saw a small figure wrapped in a tattered but clean mattress.

Who's ......?

 The voice was faint but firm. He seemed to be conscious and clear.
 Deanna slowly walked up to her, holding the medicine chest she had received from Rita outside.

Hello, Mr. Porte.
Good day to you.
You don't have to get up. --Nice to meet you. My name is Deanna. I'm a doctor's apprentice of sorts.
Hello, sir. ......?

 Though young, Porte seemed to be a strong girl. She made eye contact with Diana as she approached and shook her little face.

I'm sorry, sir. I don't have any money.
《......, you say the same thing as your sister. It's okay. I'm not taking any money.
You can't do that.
Oh, why not?
...... because if you don't have money, you won't be able to buy medicine or tools. You don't want to buy any goods or services without money, do you? Everyone says you can't work for free. If you don't get paid, you can't eat.


 A young child, not yet six years old, understands the importance of being paid for one's work and the harshness of not being able to eat without it. ...... This is a "social reality" that is taught to children in the Kingdom of Ergeland, of course, but they are not expected to learn it until they are adults and on their own.

(...... Don't cry. (Crying is disrespectful to these children.

 Children are the "treasures of the future" and should be "protected and nurtured by adults" - a familiar and unquestionably "natural" birthright. The values that we have grown accustomed to, that we have unquestionably taken for granted, are not valid in this country. Each country has its own way of thinking, and only the people who live there can decide what is right and what is wrong. Don't measure the child in front of you by the values of Deanna and the Kingdom of Ergeland.

Thank you. Porte, you're a smart girl.

 Pushing down the storm inside, Diana smiled sincerely and respectfully at him. Then she took out a stethoscope from her medicine chest.

If you don't mind, could you do me a favor when Porte is feeling better?
Yes. I'm from a different country than the Stanza Empire. I'm from a different country than the Stanza Empire. I'm here to learn more about the Stanza Empire.
Another country?
I want you to tell me what you know about the Stanza Empire when you're feeling better. What do they eat, what do they wear, where do they work, how much do they get paid, and so on. You know, while actually looking around.

 Porte's pretty eyes, similar to Saja's, rolled up. She felt in her childhood that was not enough compensation.

Is that what you want? That's not worth the money, is it?
Oh, no. In my country, it's called "tourist information" and it's a good job.
Yeah, something like that. ......
Yeah. That's why you have to get well enough to show me around the city first, Porte.

 Porte seemed to think about it for a moment, but then she felt that Diana was telling the truth and nodded her head.

Yes, I understand.
It's nice to meet you. Now then, may I have a word with your body?
Do you want to go to ......?
Yes, I'm fine.

 I learned how to treat children at Clester. --Although Deanna was not yet an adult at the time, she learned this trick by playing games with the children who came to the clinic.
 She used a stethoscope to listen to the sounds of breathing and heart organs, looked at the back of the throat and the color of the eyes, took the pulse, and measured the body temperature with a thermometer. Deanna was relieved to know that the possibility of a contagious disease, which she had feared the most, had been eliminated.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's had this problem.

 (If this is the case with this illness, the fever seems to be gone somehow, so all that's left to do is--) As she was reviewing the prescription, her eyes fell on the red and blue bag on Porte's bedside table. These are the bags of fever-reducing and healing herbs that I gave to Saja yesterday. She looked into the bag, thinking that she might need to replenish the red one and the blue one.

(Ah, what?)

 If I remembered correctly, I had three doses of the red medicine and six doses of the blue medicine in the bag. If I remember correctly, I must have prepared and filled three doses of red medicine and six doses of blue medicine.

I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

I took this and it made me feel a little better. I asked my sister to give some to the old lady in the back.
The old lady in the back?
Yes. I heard that the old lady in the back has been in bed for a long time. I've heard that the grandmother in the back has been in bed for a long time. ...... Everyone around here can't rest even if they're sick or injured, and they all die soon.

 My heart thumped with an unpleasant throb.
 With proper treatment, proper medication, and proper rest, the lives of those who could have survived could have been saved.
 I'm sure that Deanna has always hated seeing those lives being taken away unreasonably, ever since before she can remember.
 This may be more of an instinct of the "Princess of the Forest" than of Diana's own temperament.

(...... is not enough. (I'm sure that just handing out herbs is not enough at all.

 Deanna didn't come to bury her bones in this country. The future Deanna wants is much farther away, much wider.
 But... But for the future she wants, she can't just pass by the life in front of her.
 If you want to grab the life in front of you without giving up the future you want--!

......, I see. That's why you shared the medicine with the old lady, isn't it?
Yeah. That's why you shared the medicine with her. My grandma's so kind to me and my sister, I don't want her to die.
I understand. Thanks for the ......, Porte.
...... why, Orei? I'll say thank you, okay?
No, no, no. No, I'm the one who has to say thank you.

 Saja probably wouldn't have understood. She is wise beyond her years, and knows what words to say to Deanna, the foreigner, and what words not to say. She never talks about her daily life where death is close at hand, even if it is real.
 It was thanks to Porte that I was able to see the reality of this country and the harshness that the poor have to bear. If they don't work hard, they will not have enough to eat today, their physical strength will naturally decline, and illnesses and injuries that would normally be recovered after a few days of rest will quickly eat away at their very lives. That harsh, cruel, and most of all unreasonable "reality".

 --While talking with Porte with a smile, Deanna prepares the medicine and packs it in a bag. She prepares and packs the herbs into bags so that she can share them with her neighbors.
 Eventually, Saja brought the porridge to me and thanked me again for the incredibly fluffy and tasty porridge (listening to the "voice" of the grains can tell you how to cook them in a way that is most palatable to humans). I explained the newly prepared medicine to him.

Then, I'll leave you now. I'll come back to check on you again soon.

 With a smile on her face, Diana left the plaza after being seen off by Saja. The owner of the street vendor who had been waiting for her outside (a relative of Saja and Porte, and apparently also a prominent figure in the area. The reason he was drinking in the middle of the day was because he was happy to see that Porte's condition had improved, even though he was desperate for his life today and tomorrow) led us out of the favela, the sun was already setting. It seemed that the soldiers had called for us beforehand, and we didn't have to wait long before a carriage drove up.


 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... Of course she knew he wanted to say something, but Deanna dared to stand there busy and deprive him of the opportunity to speak. Since he had a good intuition, he would have naturally noticed Diana's intentions.

Since she was a kind princess, I can understand why she couldn't ignore the people suffering in front of her. But this is the way the Stanza Empire is. Please understand that.
I understand.

 He replied in affirmation to Exiga's excuse-like words. It's not that I don't understand.

How a country is governed is for the ruler of that country to decide. I am a foreigner and an outsider. I have no intention of interfering in or affecting the state of the Stanza Empire.
...... but the princess seems to be very angry.
Angry? --Yes, I'm angry. I'm angry with myself.

 Before Exiga's eyes widened, Diana took a deep, quiet breath.

If I wasn't in the position of Ergrand Minister right now. If I had landed in the Stanza Empire as a mere traveler. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. ...... I hate myself for having to leave the country and worry about my position.
《Princess ......》
I don't care about the way the Stanza Empire is governed, a system of governance that diverts dissatisfaction with strong-arm rule by tightening the noose around the oppressed classes beyond its limits. The Kingdom of Ergeland made a decision a long, long time ago to break away from such a system of governance that passes on hatred and resentment to the next generation, but other countries may have their own ideas. I have no intention of arguing with them or condemning them.
Princess ......!
I just love those who suffer and struggle in such a whirlwind, those who are in despair but still refuse to give up on life, and those who have a strong heart that never forgets to care for others. I love their brilliance so much, and I feel so sad that I just want to ...... protect them.

 And ...... no matter how much you want to protect them, as Diana is the Minister of State of the Kingdom of Ergeland, there are limits to what you can do.

《...... for example》

 For example," Exiga said quietly.

For example, if the princess were to enter into marriage with me. If you were to marry me, for example, you could become the prince and queen of Stanza, and save a lot of people as a charity.
You're joking. If the royal family embarks on helping the poor as a business, isn't that like destroying the state of the nation that His Highness himself just said. His Majesty the Emperor himself will have to take command of this project and tackle it over several generations with the determination to fundamentally change the country. It's not something that can be managed by a person of the status of a prince and princess.
...... You really are an intelligent person. Then let me ask you something. If there's a war between Stanza and Ergeland, the child you saved today might end up on the battlefield as a soldier. If that happens, he will kill many Ergelanders for the sake of his country and most importantly, for his own survival. When that happens, won't you regret what you did today?

 The prince tells us that saving the Stanzas is a risk. Perhaps it's a distant threat that the Stanza Empire might do something to the Kingdom of Ergeland if they do something too selfish. In a way, it's the words of a prince of a "warrior" empire.

The doctor doesn't measure the value of the life in front of him. Good or bad, as long as they're suffering in front of you, they're equally patients to be saved. --What the saved life will do in the future, moreover, is not within the doctor's discretion.

 Deanna's answer was clear from the start. I'm not going to be swayed by such threats.

So you're saying you won't regret it?
As a doctor, yes. And I, as the Minister of State, have come to this country with the intention of making sure that no one will ever have such regrets.

 Exiga's expression turns suspicious. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with that.

The Elgrand Kingdom and the Stanza Empire have been trading for generations. Nowadays, there are many people who have emigrated to each other's country or have a mate from each country. Through trade, commerce, and the exchange of technology, there must be more people than we think who have developed friendship and trust that transcends nationality. In the event of a ...... war, all of those people will suffer bitterly.
That, is .......
I'm not saying it's "evil" to use force to expand your country, strengthen your national power, and rule. It is a way of being a nation. I'm sure it's normal in the Stanza Empire to order people to cut down their homes, their companions, and their friends in order to do so.
No, ......, that's...
But the Kingdom of Ergeland doesn't want to issue such orders to its people if at all possible. The ties with the Stanza Empire, which have been linked through generations, will continue to be handed down to the next generation peacefully and amicably. A "future" in which none of our people weep tears of regret over their homeland, their companions, or their friends is what we truly desire.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm not sure what to do.
We have been saying so from the very beginning, from the very first moment you, the delegates of the Stanza Empire, set foot on Elgrand's soil. Since the beginning of time, our nation has never once wished to engage in a conflict with another nation. We have always been neutral and peaceful, and we continue to be so even now.

 Deanna's words stunned Exiga and Samba, who sat next to her. They probably didn't think that Deanna was really trying to fulfill the role of "ambassador of friendship" in the true sense of the word. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us. ...... Well, there is actually that aspect, so I'm not denying all of it.

...... I'm sure His Highness will be busy for a while now.

 After a few moments of silence, Diana quietly changed the subject. Exiga blinked a few times, then shook her head.

I'm sure you have a lot of work to do, but ...... of course, the princess comes first.

I'm afraid I'm going to be resented by His Highness's peers. --If possible, I'd be grateful if we could go out tomorrow as we did today, just after lunch.
Yes. ...... Thank you, Princess. By the way, will you be in the favelas tomorrow?
I'd like to visit His Highness' university tomorrow if possible. As I recall, the universities of the Stanza Empire are the pinnacle of academic research in all fields, aren't they?
Such a ...... of course, although there are scholars who gather there every day to study and strive to be the best.

 Exiga's face lit up when she heard the word "university". It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing in the future.

I'm sorry. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.