181 Straying "Star"

 It was described as a "small banquet. So I assumed that it would be a small banquet, with about ten people at most, and nothing fancy.

(Although the category of "small scale" may be different in different countries: ......)

 The seats for the invited guests were arranged in the spacious hall of the palace (probably more than thirty people on the right and left sides of the hall), the food served was beautiful, obviously the work of first-class chefs using high quality ingredients, and the drinks and fruits had a luxurious atmosphere. In the middle of the hall, geishas, who seemed to have been called in for the party, performed songs, dances, and acrobatics one after another. If you call this a small-scale party, then the Crester family's dinner party, where they secretly invite only their acquaintances, would be just a dinner party. No, I don't think there is anything wrong with a dinner party.

Princess. Are you enjoying yourself?
Yes, Your Highness. I'm enjoying it very much. The guests have been very kind and I'm grateful.

 As a guest of honor, Deanna's seat is next to Exiga's. It seems that it's no different in every country that people of lower status come to greet people of higher status. For a while after the party started, Diana was greeted incessantly by the invited guests, the important people of Stanza. Lars is known for its scenic beauty despite being only half a day's ride from Iftane by carriage, and there are apparently a certain number of important people who usually live in Lars or its suburbs and only go to Iftane when there is a big event. Since the real front line people can't take such a long time, most of the invited guests are retired people or people who dare to stay away from the palace, and that's why their view of the Kingdom of Elgrand seems to be slightly different from the people in power in the palace.

Hohohoho. After all, the Elgrand Kingdom is a tricky country. I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
Well... I'm sure you've been thinking too highly of the Kingdom of Ergrand, Barloon no Okami-sama. I don't know the circumstances of Lauren Stresia-sama's study abroad, but at least the reason I came to the Stanza Empire this time is because I was invited by the Stanza State Mission. It's not like His Majesty or the Prime Minister intentionally sent me to the Stanza Empire, you know?
Hmm... Well, I wonder... I don't know... I don't know... I don't know.

 The one who is smiling like a good-natured old man near the top seat is the younger brother of the former head of Barloon, in other words, the uncle of Raia's mother. However, because of the polygamous nature of the Stanza family, he was naturally only half-blooded to Raia's maternal grandfather. Because of his mother's low status, he has left the power struggle within the Barloon family and built a house in Ra's for his remaining years, where he lives comfortably.
 However, when he was young, he was known as a very clever man, and when Raia's grandfather was the head of the family, he used to be his right-hand man. Naturally, he also knew about the Marquis of Stresia, who came to study in the Stanza Empire, fell in love with Raia's mother, and took her as his wife. At that time, the retired man was still in active service.

Dora was an unusual child for a daughter of the famous Balroon family, but she had a keen eye for the true nature of things and was not bound by common sense. The Lauren that Dora looked up to was not just your average Elgrand nobleman.
Yes. His Excellency the Marquis of Stresia is an outstanding politician with extraordinary talent.
Oh no. ...... Dora was right in her choice. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. To be honest, it's better for the country and Barloon in the long run than trying to become a queen in His Majesty's harem.
I'm sure the Marquis and the Marquess of Stresia are famous for being very close friends, so I'm sure Dora-sama thought that following her heart was the right thing to do.
I'm sure she thought that following her heart was the right thing to do. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm so interested in you. In the beginning, Dora didn't understand a word of Elgrand, and Lauren's stanza language was poor, but they naturally crossed the language barrier. I guess that's what people call fate.

 The old man's eyes were gentle as he recalled the past. ...... You can tell without any explanation that he has been an ally of the Marquis and Marquess of Stresia since that time.

...... I'll be sure to tell Mr. and Mrs. Stracia when I return to the country. I'll make sure to tell Mr. and Mrs. Stresia that the Balroon hermit is still thinking of them.
The Princess has a very good heart, ....... You don't need to worry about me. --Just be sure to apologize to them. Just tell them I'm sorry I couldn't stop the current head of the family, Dora's brother. I'm sorry I made it impossible for Dora to return home.
Gokin-sama ......

 ...... The feelings we have for those we love are the same no matter where we come from. The current head of the family, who sent Arciolene to the harem, seems to be unknowingly dividing many people with his obsession.

(I wonder if the situation will change again if the secret "operation" that is going on is successful ......)

 Raia didn't seem too interested in her mother's birthplace, but she would feel differently if she knew that her great-uncle was someone who cared so much about her parents. Worst of all, no matter what happened to the Barloon family, it would be good if Old Barloon and the Stresia family could be reunited.

 --You can see that while Diana is talking to Master Barloon, Exiga is constantly visited by greeters, who look at her with astonishment. In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to take a look at the following tips. In the Kingdom of Ergeland, the proprietress of a trader usually speaks Stanza or even the language of the other side of the mountains, so even if she is unusual, it doesn't surprise me that much.
 However, most of the gazes here are pure surprise at the fact that there are women who are so fluent in foreign languages, and there is no sense of contempt for them, such as "cheeky for women" or "smart. This is another difference from the Imperial Palace.

(Could it be that in the ...... stanza empire, the influential people who live in the provinces are quite flexible in their thinking?

 Or is it that Lars, the home of Prince Exiga, is special? --The way the guests and Exiga are interacting with each other, it's clear that they trust each other and are working well together to build up the land of Ra's. It is a kind of ideal form of a lord, similar to the relationship between his father Dualis and the estatesmen.

(Prince Exiga, who is able to work so closely with the leading figures in his own domain, could probably organize the Imperial Palace if he wanted to. ......)

 He despises himself, but as far as Diana can see, he has enough talent as a politician. Exiga surely has the power to change the future of this country.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will work for you.

 Deanna secretly made up her mind to do so.

 At that time.

(......, what's this sign?)

 I've been on the lookout for a certain thing ever since the feast began, and I could faintly sense it around the door where the servants were bringing in the food and drinks. It was approaching Diana at a slow pace, slowly but surely.

(What's wrong with ......? I'm not sure if this is why you're looking for Lanra.

 The scent of ranula on Deanna's robe has faded considerably, as expected, after being left to dry in the shade all day. The sweetness of the scent may bother some people, but it's calmed down to the point where it can be passed off as "sweet Lanla perfume.

 -- but . As a matter of course, the ingredients that give the cloth its strong Lanra scent will always remain unless it is properly washed with water. Even if the scent fades away, it doesn't mean that the extract of ranula on the robe is gone.
 That's why I've always been wary. I've always been wary of a certain element that turns the scent of ranula into a "potion.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea. The combination of alcohol with over seventy percent alcohol content and tulip flower ?
That's what I heard. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. Liquor with an alcohol content of more than seventy percent is a hard liquor made only in the mountains of the north. I didn't even know about it until the other day when I heard about it from Lanra at the university.
I didn't even know about it until I heard about it from Lanra at the university. It's not the kind of poison that poses a direct threat to life, according to Deanna's description.

 --I've been thinking about the conversation I had with Rita during the day on the way to the wooded area where the spring is located.
 When she asked me what it did, I didn't really think that it could actually do that.

In a way, it's even worse than a lethal poison. It raises the body temperature, sharpens the senses ......, forcibly increases s*xual pleasure among the senses, and elicits pleasure - well, in a word, it's an aphrodisiac. "Aphrodisiac.
Hey ......!
It seems that women in particular feel the effects of this drug more often than men. If you mix low alcohol liquor with Lanla and Churi, it seems to make you quite sensitive to it. It's not known as a medicine, but some people may use it for some reason. --But if the alcohol content is high, it's a different story.
It's not as bad as ......, is it?
It's better if it's served as a drink. It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the most common types of alcohol. ...... Still, it's a nasty drug because it forces you to bring out your senses.
I'm not sure if oral intake still has much effect. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
Yes. --Transdermal ingestion of the drug. This is the worst and the most dangerous.

 In short, absorption through the skin. The most common type of medication is ointment to treat bruises and cuts, but there are actually many other medications that are effective when taken transdermally. The mechanism is still in the process of being clarified, but with researchers like Figaro, I'm sure we'll learn a lot in a short time.
 --And. It is also when you combine 70% alcohol and tulip flowers with ranula and ingest it transdermally that ranula turns into an incredible "potion.

When this drug enters through the skin, it cannot be broken down and directly stimulates the senses of the skin, so the medicinal effects appear with almost no time lag. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. ...... Depending on the dosage, the drug may spread to the head, so if you are not careful, you may be left with serious aftereffects.
Hey ......, that's a pretty dangerous drug!
"I've been telling you from the beginning. "In a way, it's worse than a lethal poison.

 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it. ...... There are nightmarish "poisons" out there that won't kill you, but will tear your life and personality apart for life.

"This potion is made by distilling churis and alcohol together, and adding the scent of ranula at the end. --So, theoretically, if I wear a robe soaked with Lanra's ingredients and pour over 70% alcohol with churi, I can complete the potion and administer it on the spot.
...... Isn't that the worst part of the situation?
But that's only if there's a plan afoot. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work. ...... It is impossible to infer His Highness' true intentions from that robe alone. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
However, like the aromatic components of ...... ranula, tulip wine, made from tulip petals, nectar and berries, is probably one of the more common fruit drinks in the stanzas. It is very likely to be served at the feast.
"I've heard that tulips are at most 20 percent alcohol by volume. In the first place, alcoholic beverages with high alcohol content are rarely made in the Stanza Empire. The possibility of a banquet with alcohol content over seventy percent would be close to zero. --If it weren't so, it's impossible that this dangerous drug, made from the major stanzas Ranra and Churi, wouldn't be so well known.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this on the web.
It's a really dangerous drug because if you take it too late, you'll still be dependent on the drug itself. --It's not a drug, it's a psychotoxin.

 Sighing, Deanna explained, nodding her head.
 Rita gives me a strong look.

"So, Deanna-sama. What is the solution to this mental poisoning?
I'm sure you've heard of it. It's a decoction of mishi root, sippiro leaves, and blooming phella flowers. If you drink it beforehand, it will completely counteract the poisonous effects, regardless of where you go.
They're all common plants in El Grando, aren't they?
Yes. They're useful in a number of ways, which is why I've included them among the herbs I brought with me. So if you're in ...... Iftane, the situation isn't too dangerous.
...... You couldn't bring all of your stuff, even the herbs, over here, could you?
That's what I mean. It seems that there are things growing in the thicket we're going to that we can barely replace. --By far, the effect is weak.

 Still, it's better than nothing. If we can neutralize it, even just a little, we can use another method to neutralize the effects of the poison in a short time.
 So you and Rita go to the thicket, pick the necessary herbs, and return to the palace to secretly prepare the potion. I drank the medicine just before the feast began, and ate as many neutralizing fruits and vegetables as possible during the feast, just in case.

 Yes. It's just a "just in case" thing. The Exiga next to me didn't seem to have any bad thoughts, and the guests were generally kind to Diana, so I was beginning to think I hadn't done enough.


(Definitely not.) ...... approaching)

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. It is difficult to distinguish even the presence of alcohol, but there is no mistaking the presence of Tuli, and .

(The girl who is carrying it has her attention on ...... me the whole time.

 With all these conditions, we can only be sure that the "just in case" has come true. Probably she was going to carry the liquor close to Deanna, pretend to fall down and put it on her robe. Will she be able to avoid it without ruining the atmosphere of the party?

(---- and !!!!!!)

 It was more of an impulse than a hunch. She was slowly approaching, but for some reason she stopped a little further away than Diana and staggered.
 A flash of lightning went off in my brain, and before I knew it, my legs were moving and I was rushing towards her.

(......, I was prepared, but ......!

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I mean. This is a great way to make sure that you don't end up in a situation where you're not going to be able to afford to buy a new one. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... I barely managed to get into a position where my back was mainly wet, but it was still a lot.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. Deanna supported the girl and the liquor jar, and gently lowered it to the floor to prevent it from overflowing any further.

Are you okay, Princess? Are you hurt? ......
It's nothing serious. My back is just a little wet. I'm fine. ......

 Deanna chastised her trembling voice and body, and turned around in a spirited manner. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on," she said. ...... Old Balroon, who was sitting right behind her, was doing his best to roll his eyes and make his expression grim.

"Princess ......
Balroon, my dear. Is everything all right?
Did you know that I am incapable of accepting alcohol?
With all due respect ......, unlike the others, you had a fixed waiter. I'm sure you're not the only one.

 ...... Actually, no. You can feel the constitution of a person who is sitting diagonally in front of you and can speak to you, if you are far enough away. It's also possible that what Old Balroon is drinking is a common kind of tea in the stanzas.
 It is not unusual for a person to have a constitution that does not accept alcohol. For those who really can't take it, even a small amount taken transdermally can lead to addiction and even death. ...... is such a person.

(If you're foolish enough to aim at me, you'll get away with it, because it's obvious. ...... Did he tell you to aim at someone near me? You're right, but--!

 I can feel my body rapidly heating up from the parts that are wet with alcohol. The sensation of your clothes brushing against your skin becomes sharp, and your vision becomes blurry.
 --Now, for the first time, I was grateful for the stanza-style robe that kept me out of sight except for my eyes. I can't show this expression in public, as you can imagine.

(Not yet, no. I can take it. ......

 The amount of alcohol involved, the location... It's a lot better than the worst I could have imagined. The neutralizer seems to be doing its job and my head is still strong.

Your Highness. Please move the Master's seat immediately. It's a very strong drink. It's dangerous to be near such an overflowing place.
Princess. Your robe is wet. The feast is almost over, go back to your room and get some rest. ...... Don't worry about me, I know how to handle my liquor.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

(No way!

 Do you know? You know about this potion?
 I'm sure you've heard of it.

Thank you, ....... Your Highness, may I respectfully request that you leave the room?
Of course. ...... I'm sorry, Princess. Thank you, Your Highness.
It's no trouble at all. Your handmaiden was not feeling well. Please don't blame her too much.

 She was standing there with a blue face, and I gave her a gentle smile. You can only see her ...... eyes, so it's doubtful that you could tell that she was smiling.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 --She came face to face with the pale face of Rita, who had been waiting for her all along.

"Dear Diana, .......
It's all right. You can go back to your ...... room, Rita.

...... yes.

 The palace architecture of the stanzas is very airy and sparse. It's not as if Rita can't see what's going on in the back of the hall.
 --As soon as she entered the room she was given, Deanna took off her robe and all of her clothes and placed them in a basin containing a large amount of a decoction of pipi (a herb that can be gathered in the thickets) that she had prepared just in case. She restrained Rita's attempts to help her, and soaked it thoroughly.

"Dear Diana: ......
Rita. Don't you dare touch this tub. It will stay like this until tomorrow morning. Then take the basin to the water. ......
I'll see you tomorrow!

 In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure if it's too late to wipe this off, but ......
It's too late to wipe it off now. ...... No, I think it's a little better. In any case, you can't go up to your bunk with all this poison in your body.
You said that neutralizing it with ...... pipi would weaken the effects of the poison and that it would wear off after a night's sleep?
............ Yeah.
Are you sure?
........................ I'll get it out, I promise. No one is allowed in the bedroom after I'm gone.

 The antidote is definitely working. The amount of alcohol was less than I thought it would be, and Deanna's senses - and perhaps her spira - told her that it was possible to get rid of the poison overnight in this state.
 But .......

I'm not going to tell you how to get rid of it. I can't tell you.

 This drug is an aphrodisiac of sorts, no matter how heinous the effects. ...... The quickest way to end the effects of this kind of aphrodisiac is to reach a s*xual climax several times.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will work for you. ...... Diana has studied medicine and understands the structure of the human body, and with the help of Fiona's teachings and books, she knows that there are ways for women to satisfy their s*xual desires to some extent. I know how to do it, well, I know how to do it.
 So, I'm okay. I can handle it.

 --Softly. Rita wiped me down and put a clean nightgown on me. Stanza's nightgown is made of a single piece of cloth wrapped around the body, so it's nice not to have to put sleeves through it.

(This is my first attempt. I'll have to try.

...... Rita. I repeat.
Absolutely no one is allowed inside. --Yes, sir. I'll be waiting for you on the other side of the door.
Thank you, .......

 With a final effort, he gets up and moves to the bedroom. She slips into her bunk and pulls the covers over her head.
 When you see that Rita is out of the room, ...... you are ready.

I've got to do this!

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

  I'll be back.

 --I couldn't ignore it.

What are you thinking about? ...... Whose orders are these?

 The one who brought the liquor was the daughter who has been in the service of her parents since Exiga received Lars and this palace from her father, the Emperor. She was not of high rank, but she had been educated as a maidservant because she had been of good character from an early age. --And now she was chosen to serve as the hostess of the banquet.
 Exiga had known her since she was much younger. Even if she had a fever, she could not behave badly to the guests. That's how serious she is.
 That's why she's so serious. ...... There's no way she'd behave in such an unnatural way unless she was ordered to do so by someone.
 --The banquet today was almost entirely impolite, and the palace servants had taken care of the entertainment for the guests, so there was no problem without Exiga at this late stage. So, after apologizing once again to Master Balroon for his misbehavior and instructing him to move to a better seat and offer the best hospitality, Exiga moved to another room with this maidservant who had been waiting for him.
 And ...... I've been asking you about this for a while now. The maidservant turned her head and closed her mouth, refusing to say anything.
 I stifled a sigh that was about to escape and was about to open my mouth to ask another question, when...

"Your Highness!

 His Highness!" Samba, who had been in charge of the party, jumped in, looking a little impatient.

"What do you want, Samba?
What do you want, Samba? ...... I was told that the Princess of the Red Rose had left the room before you, having been drunk.
That's true, but... It would be impolite to ask her to stay in such a wet state.
...... How did the princess look when she left?

 The unusual appearance of Samba gave me a feeling of certainty.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

"Did you do this, Samba?
"...... Did you say it was?
I have heard that you are the one who arranged for the princess to be drunk like that.
...... Didn't Yasameen tell you anything?

 Yasameen is the name of her handmaiden. Her eyes are moist and she turns to Samba.

"Samba, sir, .......
"...... You're a fool, too. You're a fool, you're a fool, you're a fool, you're a fool. I didn't tell you.
No. I agreed with you, Mr. Sanba. ......
Were you going to take the blame for my sins, ......?
I'm just as guilty.
"Sin? What the hell did you do to the princess?

 The conversation between the two of them was inaudible. When Exxiga interrupted, Samba looked straight back at him.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm here.
...... Her eyes seemed to have moistened a little, if that's what you mean. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.
It's not as simple as it sounds. ......
Answer my question! What did you do to the princess?

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 --"I have administered the elixir.

"I administered a secret potion.
What is it?
What? - It's a forbidden potion passed down in my family for generations. --It is said that any girl who is given it, no matter how strong her spirit, will not be able to resist it and will not be able to resist the desire for a man. It is a drug so powerful that it has been banned.
...... Is that what the drink is?
Well, not exactly. It is certain that the princess ingested the potion with the wine. But it doesn't seem to have much effect. ...... I read that this potion works so quickly that the woman will soon be unable to stand.
The princess left on foot, didn't she?
Yes. Yes. She seems to have a strong heart, as if she were entrusted with the name of the Kingdom of Ergeland. --But now that he's been given that potion, he won't be able to stay in a normal state of mind.
"...... Don't be silly.

 What's coming up, what's coming up, what's coming up. --Overwhelming anger.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of that. You can't possibly know the extent of it!
And yet!

 Even so!" With more intensity than Exiga. "And yet!

"Even if I am condemned and beheaded for this deed... Even if His Highness hates me and will not allow me to be with him forever. ...... Still, I want you to have the person you want, Lord Exiga. I want you to be happy.
"Sun, Ba. You ......
There is no one more worthy of being your highness' consort than Diana, Princess of the Red Rose. I'm sure she will support and encourage you both in your personal and professional life.

 ...... I hadn't noticed. I hadn't realized how much Samba had affirmed Exiga's love for him, and how much he had done to make it happen. It never occurred to me until now that he was always there, supporting Exiga and taking her life for granted - that he himself had feelings and a will, which sometimes conflicted with Exiga's thoughts.
 Samba's eyes were shining with a glowing, single-minded faith.

"Your Highness. If you want me to atone for my sins and die, I will do as you ask. So please, go to the princess' room right now. I'm sure she's desperate for a man now that she's covered in that potion. I'm sure the princess wouldn't be willing to have a one-night stand with someone she's ...... allowed to touch.
I can't do that ...... cowardly thing.
Are you sure? I've been told that if the medicine ...... is administered too late, it could destroy her mind.

 Samba's words are an unmistakable threat. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

 It was a whisper of the devil. In the end, Exiga has yet to give up her desire for Diana.
 ...... It's no wonder. You can't change a person's mind that easily.

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

"Your Highness. -- "Your Highness.
"I'm just checking on the ...... princess. I'm just asking to see how the princess is doing. Maybe the medicine isn't working as well as you think.

 He said in denial, but in his heart he hoped that was not the case. He hoped that Deanna was suffering from the effects of the drug.

(Love is truly ...... selfish.)

 I walked out into the hallway. I walked a little faster, heading for Diana's room.
 As I turned into the corridor, I saw a figure in front of me.

What's that?

"This is Your Highness.

 I'm sure you've heard of it. ...... The feast must still be going on, but he must have left first.

"Balroon. Is the feast over?
"Ho-ho. I'm sure you're not the only one. There's no one for an old man like me.
Don't be modest. --So, what are you doing here? Didn't your guide show you the room?
No, no, no. No, I'm afraid I've been invited to this palace many times and I understand its structure. I just didn't think it would be necessary to bother the guide.
But ...... the only room ahead of us is Princess Diana's.

 But the only room ahead is Princess Diana's." At Exiga's question, Lord Balroon smiled his characteristic, unreadable smile.

"...... Your Highness. You know, of course, that the temple has a daily routine of reading the stars.
Of course I know that .......
The priests use their star-reading powers to read the future of the country and sometimes the world. It is through the power of the temple that this nation has grown so large and strong.
"...... I know. What about it?
"The stars," the star readers read. --For more than a decade, it has been moving erratically, and since last summer, it has become more and more confusing. ...... Finally, yesterday, it became almost impossible to read.
It's .......

 If true, it's a big deal. If true, it's a big deal. It could determine the future of the country.
 But why is he bringing this up now, at this time?

Take your advice to the Emperor. I have an errand for the princess.
"It's your star that's gone unread, Your Highness.

 The deep tone of his voice stopped my movement and my heart.
 Slowly, slowly, as if addressing an infant, he spoke.

...... There is indeed a "star" that we are born with. But you may also have the power to break through that star and step into the future beyond the harmony of the schedule. You are probably standing on the border between the two right now.
"Balroon: ......
"Your Highness. Please be wise in your decisions.

 He bowed with a grace that belied his cane and slipped past Exiga with the same ease. Exiga's head is filled with question marks as she watches him walk away, stunned.

(My "star" is no longer readable. ......? What do you mean, ......?

 I don't know, but now is not the time to examine the question.
 Shake your head and switch, Exiga started walking again.

 To save Deanna...