52-Manju and Oni no Mai




'ん? あれ? 時間が進んでないような……?'


'ま,いっか. えーと,トリリア中心部にある水上闘技場だっけ'

 彼女に指定された場所は,トリリアにおけるちょっとした興行施設. 通称,水上闘技場だ.
 そのトレーニングスペースはNPCから教練のクエストを受けた時などに使うらしい. NPCの冒険者などが修練したりしていて,結構いいトレーニングになるんだとか.








'確かに深いかも. あ,水竜見えるよ'



'そこの嬢ちゃん! 見ねぇ顔だな!'



'ほう,そんじゃあトリリア名物の水竜饅頭はまだ食べてねぇだろ. せっかくだしひとつどうだ?'



 直径30センチ,高さ6センチって所かな. 2つ袋に入ってると結構かさばる.


 リスナーもまた私と同じ感想を抱いていたようで,思わず露天の見本を見る. うん,普通のまんじゅうに見えるな.












 水上闘技場に併設されたトレーニングスペース. もはやもうひとつの闘技場と言っても相違なさそうな広々とした修練場で,琥珀は笑いながらそう言った.
 まだ正午から1時間くらい前である. 今から2時間前ってもう朝の9時くらいだよ?


'これ,水竜饅頭. ひとつあげるよ'

'Oh, this brings back memories. I used to eat it a lot when I was young because it's so cheap. ...... Yes, it's delicious.'

'I was surprised that it was bigger than I expected.

 I had already eaten all the water dragon buns before I came here, but Amber took them happily and ate them in no time at all.
 So you're a pretty big eater, huh?

'Thank you, it was delicious.

'You're welcome. So, what are you going to do today?

'Before that, do you remember the dance I taught you yesterday?

''The "Rapture Dance" and the "Double-Edged Dance", right?

''Yes, you remembered them well.

 Rare skill 《Oni no Mai》. The first set, the Rapture Dance. And the Double-Edged Dance. Both of these arts are easy to use and have almost no disadvantages for the demon race.

 The "Rapture Dance" is a simple art that buffs your physical skills instead of reducing your intellect status to 0.
 You can learn it when your strength reaches 100, but if you don't have 100, you can't learn the demon dance itself.
 It has a fairly high multiplier of 20%. There are no disadvantages. If I had to say, I would say that the duration of the effect is short (1 minute), and you can't use it again until 10 minutes have passed.

 As for the double-edged dance, as you can imagine from the name, it is an art that discards defense.
 In addition to magic defense, it also reduces sturdiness to 0, and in exchange for removing the armor's defense correction, it applies high buffs to strength and agility.
 The multiplier is a whopping 2x for strength and 1.5x for agility, but the fact that sturdiness is reduced to 0 severely restricts the use of techniques that deal recoil damage.
 For example, arts such as the Tenfold Cherry Blossom used in Bare-handed Fighting reduce recoil damage in proportion to your sturdiness, so if you lose your sturdiness, you'll instantly melt away.
 Of course, since you lose all your durability, all attacks from enemies are deadly. It's a double-edged sword.

 In addition, it has an effect duration of 5 minutes, and most powerfully, its effect synergizes with the effects of the Rapture Dance and the "Hungry Wolf".
 In other words, I am in a state where I can instantly obtain more than three times the muscle strength value. In addition, my agility will be more than doubled.

 By the way, it seems that these effects are synergistic on the "Hungry Wolf" side.
 This is probably the difference between the Double-Edged Dance, which is just an art included in the skill, and the Hungry Wolf, which is a rare skill.
 At first glance, this skill seems to be a backward-compatible version of Morohana no Mai, with a heavy disadvantage for its effect, but it has an extremely powerful effect that multiplies all buffs.
 Basically, a buff that multiplies by 2 and a buff that multiplies by 3 can be multiplied by 6, whereas a buff that multiplies by 2 and a buff that multiplies by 3 can be multiplied by 4, such as +300% by adding +100% and +200%.

 The required strength value is 150, and the cool time is 1 hour. You can't use it as often as you do the Rajin Dance, but it's definitely a lighter art than the Hungry Wolf.

'Yesterday, I only finished teaching you, so you didn't get to test the usability of the demon dance, right? So I thought I'd let you try it out today.

 Amber said, and signaled one of the NPCs at the edge of the training space.
 A few moments later, the other players and NPCs who had been scattered about the training space began to leave, leaving only Amber and me in this circular mini-arena.

'I had to be a little flexible. I paid them to let me use this place for a little while.'

'Are you fighting some kind of monster or something?

 When I heard that it was Amber who had dispatched the people, I asked her if she was going to practice fighting monsters, which was also done in the arena next door.
 Amber smiled when she heard it and shook her head firmly.

'No, it's not monsters that Skuna will be fighting.


'You're strong. You're also extremely talented. Even I, who was said to be the strongest of the demon tribe, seem to be hazy when it comes to your talent in battle. That's why I think I have to teach you.''

 Amber leaped in a light tone and landed in the middle of the training space, and took a gentle stance.
 I'm not so stupid that I can't understand what you're telling me.
 A mock battle. This is why Amber took the trouble to rent out this training space for a limited time.
 I understood that, so I lightly clapped the heavy metal gauntlets on my arms and switched on my concentration.

 In the center of the circular field, Amber and I took our positions.
 Amber closed her eyes and then opened them.
 At that moment, the whole training space was filled with a terrible pressure.

'Come with all your might. I will subdue all of them.

 Smiling before the demon princess.
 For just one person, I felt a terrifyingly large presence, like being in front of a giant beast.