156-154 Marl and the Black Flying Dragon

 One by one, the group of tattooed soldiers take down the confronting Arun soldiers.

 With a swing of their arms, they, as heavily armed soldiers, are blown away and their bodies are destroyed with their heavy armor and shields.


 Even from a distance, one could clearly see how tremendous it was.

''The 'Demon Attendants' of this era don't do so well.

 Rapt laughs wryly and Recto Alice nods calmly.

 Mr. Kilt says in an iron voice.

'There are ten of them, and six of us. We are outnumbered, pull yourself together.
Yes, sir.
I know.

 We nodded.

 Those golden eyes looked at me.

'Merle. You and your strawberry stand at the vanguard.
Irna will be at your back. From that position, you'll support my two friends.
Yes, sir.

 Putting a hand on my shoulder, Illtimina-san nodded widely.

 Kilt-san looked at the other three.

'You three are the rear guard. You don't need to attack, Sol, just focus on your recovery magic. Just focus on your recovery magic.

 The girl nodded with a rare, genuine expression.

'Rapt and Recto Alice, protect Sol even if he dies. If you're not good, Sol, the recovering Sol, will be the first to be targeted.
Yeah, I'm on it.
Yes, sir.

 The two 'Divine Fanglars' reliably agreed.

 Mr. Kilt looked around at us.

''They are strong. But we are strong too. The werewolves don't believe for a minute that the werewolves will lose.

 The deep trust in those golden eyes.

 She laughed.

'Come on, let's go! We must defeat them and protect this world!
Let's do it!

 We, too, replied in a loud voice, with a lot of energy.

 Then, I take out my 'Divine Armament' from the pouch on my waist belt. Rapt and Lectoris also take out their own "God's Armor" in the same way.

 We hold it up high.

''Coro, lend me that power!

 Vong Paaan.

 The iridescent sphere, about three centimeters in diameter, shines brightly and then shatters into countless particles of light, swirling around and converging on our backs to form large metal wings.

 My body floats in the air.

'Miss Illtimina!'

 I reach out my hand to her.

 Ms. Illtimina's crimson eyes narrowed as she stared at me dazzlingly.

"Yes, Merle.

 With his white left hand, he firmly holds my hand.

 The winged Rapt and Lectoris also joined hands with Kilt-san and Solstice, respectively.

''Please, all three of you.''
I'll take care of it.
That's okay. I'm not gonna drop you in the middle.

 At the last words of Recto Alice, we gave a small smile.

 Then, he poured out the 'divine energy' inside his body and made his giant wings shine, and then flapped them wide.


 Scattering particles of light, we rise to the sky.

 I felt the weight of Illtimina-san firmly in this hand, and it was somehow very lovely, and I thought I would never let her go.

''Well then, let's go.''
Yes, sir.

 A sure, trusting voice of reply.

 We stared at each other for a moment, then laughed at each other.

 Immediately, we pulled ourselves together and looked forward.

(Hunt 'em down!)

 When I made up my mind, I flapped my massive wings again.

 In the next moment, from the top of the guard tower of the defense fort, three trails of light cross the blue sky, leaving behind three trails of light, and the six of us fly over the battlefield--.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

 Below them, the carnage of the tattooed group continued.

 Arun's soldiers were brave.

 If their comrades were killed, they would take it upon themselves to defend the wounded and fill in the gaping holes in their ranks. But the bravery was not in their teeth, and the unarmed, unarmed group would blow the Arun soldiers away with only their tattooed, shining limbs.

(d*mn it, we have to get off!)

 We approach the scene from above.


Put it down.

 With a short voice, Mr. Kilt removed his own hand from Rapt's with a short voice.

Wait ... Mr. Kilt! 

 We panicked.

 The height is still more than a hundred meters above us.

 However, Kirt-san, with his rich silver hair fluttering in the air, fell in an arrow-like posture, aiming at the ground in a straight line.

 His hand gripped the hilt of the Great Sword of Thunder that he was carrying on his back.

"Demon Sword Thunderbolt Slayer!

 He unleashed a blow with the added power of a fall at the 'tattooed man' who was directly below him.


 The astonished face of the 'tattooed man' that I noticed.

 Doggone it.

 A violent dust cloud rose up, and a pale electrical discharge spread across the area like a bullet.

(Ugh, wow!)

 The blast crashes and shakes us, still in the sky.

 The strong winds flowing through the Cocudo area quickly swept away the dust cloud.

 What appeared there was an empty scene of a large crater in the ground, as if a meteorite had collided with it.

 At the bottom of that crater, Kirt-san was standing in a stance with his great sword swinging down.

 Underneath the great sword, the 'tattooed man' with his upper body crushed was being held down.

 Thump, thump, thump.

 The lightning of the great sword is burning the flesh of the man it touches.


 Internal organs are spilled and a large amount of blood is scattered around - an injury that would normally be fatal, but the 'tattooed man' is still alive.

 A look of pain and hatred is directed at the silver-haired beauty.

''--First of all, alone.''

 I took it all in stride.

 Shoo, buddy-ying.

 Mr. Kilt swiftly shook off another blow and destroyed the head of the 'tattooed man'.

 It was as if a watermelon splitting watermelon had been struck and popped.

 The body that had lost its head could no longer move.

 The "tattooed man" who boasted of his tremendous vitality, however, was killed by the final blow, this time by the final blow.


 The remaining 'tattooed men and women' are rolling their eyes in surprise.

(.........I'm surprised too.)

 What a fighting sense.

 She offset the impact of her fall by attacking the enemy below her, and even took one down intact.


 With a light leap, the 'Golden Mark Demon Hunter' landed from the bottom of the crater to the front of the 'Tattooed Men and Women'.

 Unexpectedly, the nine tattooed men and women retreated.

 Kilt Amandes completely takes control of the air of the place and quietly glares at the 'Tattooed Men and Women'.


 Five of us landed on the ground behind them, too.

'That's great, Mr. Kilt,'

 I stood next to the fearsome and reliable silver-haired beauty as I drew my 'fairy sword'.

 Ms. Kilt gave a small laugh.

"Surprise is the basis of strategy. 

 She said without a care in the world.

 Then she raised her voice loudly as she stared at the nine 'tattooed men and women'.

'Listen up, warriors of Arun! We will deal with these 'tattooed men'. You will do your duty!


 His voice is so loud that the air trembles.

 A golden emblem glowed divinely from his right hand.

 The Arun soldiers recovered from their astonishment, looked at each other, and quickly nodded to each other.

 A figure who seemed to be the commander of the unit shouted.

''All troops, fall back! I'll leave this place in the hands of Kirto Amandes, the guardian of Shumuria!


 Arun's soldiers dropped back in an orderly fashion, like a wave receding.

 They rebuilt their disorganized ranks and headed to the next battlefield to once again face the 30,000 demons that were attacking them.

''Big deal.''

 Rapt let out an exclamation of admiration.

 Behind me and Kilt-san standing side by side, Illtimina-san silently held her white magic spear.

 Solstice also held up her large staff so that she could use magic at any time, and as if to protect her, Rapt and Recto Alice stood diagonally in front of her on either side.

 The battle stance.

The 'tattooed men and women' also finally recognized the appearance of a strong enemy and changed their minds.

 The one-sided slaughter was over. 

 The nine of them, their carelessness has disappeared from their respective expressions.


 A huge amount of 'pressure' is about to be swallowed by the collision.

 As I thought, it's a sign of a strong man.

 In the battle in the Kera Desert, I was as strong as Illtimina-san, the 'Silver Seal Demon Hunter'. You should assume that everyone here is at that level as well.

 I put strength into my lower abdomen so as not to be pressurized.

 And then I realize.

(Ah ... it's the flying dragon woman.)

 In the middle of those nine, I found the 'tattooed woman' that I saw in that Illtimina-san's spirit world, transformed into a flying dragon.

 Even after seven years, her appearance hadn't changed.


(The signs are stronger than when I saw them in the spirit world...?)

 The pressure of fear is strong.

 After all, what I saw in the spirit world had a difference with reality, and the 'Flying Dragon Woman' here seemed to be a more powerful being.

The Woman of the Flying Dragon took a step forward.

 There was no longer the slightest sign of being pressured by Kirto Amandes.

''So, you still showed up.

 It was the same as what he had heard in the spirit world, a lustrous yet disastrous voice that stroked people's fears.

 Her bright red lips twisted into a smile. 

We expected to see you here. ...Really, it's just like you said.

That man...?

 Me, who frowned suspiciously.

 Kirt-san silently held the 'Great Sword of Thunder' pointed in that direction.


 Reflexively, the eight 'tattooed men and women' lowered their posture.

'Calm down,'

'The Flying Dragon Lady' called out to the rear. 

 Then, she looked at Kirto-san.

You too, Kirto Amandes, the Gold Marked Demon Hunter, the pride of Shumuria. Draw your sword. --shall we have a little chat?

 Raising her hands to the side of her face, she showed no resistance.


 It's too unexpected.

 Not only me, but Solstice and Rapt are also stunned. Illtimina-san and Recto Alice have faces that are calmly watching the course of events.

 Kilt-san is holding his sword at the ready.

What do you mean?

 He asked in a guarded iron voice.

The 'Flying Dragon Lady' laughed bewitchingly.

''It's just as it sounds. We have no intention of antagonizing you.


 Not much of a word.

 What are you saying now that you've waged such a battle against humanity?

 Kirt's eyes become sharp.

'I don't see it that way.
I know.

The 'Flying Dragon Woman' cowered her shoulders and passed it off. 

 Then she said with a genuine face.

''But it's true.''
'We're certainly aiming to destroy the seal. But with that one's plan, at least this time it won't be to the detriment of humanity.

 Isn't that a loss to humanity?

...revive the demon and it won't cost you anything, will it?

 Mr. Kilt has a low, angry voice, too.

So just draw your army and let us go in peace. We won't do anything bad for you.

 Solstice and Rapt look at each other.

(What the hell is he talking about?)

 I was confused.

 Strangely enough, I couldn't sense any lies in the voice of this 'flying dragon woman'.

(But that doesn't mean...)

 Looking around, the battle between the Arun soldiers and the demons in various places was still going on.

 Above them, a huge 'Sealing Rock' was floating in the blue sky, making the green vegetated rock face shine in the sunlight.


 A strange silence fell between us.

 Illtimina-san's gaze looked at the leader, the 'Golden Mark Demon Hunter', as if she was judging.

 She shook her silver hair and exhaled heavily.

''I don't understand. Tell me more about it.''
I can't do that. I haven't been given permission to tell you all the details of their plans.

...who the hell is that guy?

 The Flying Dragon Lady laughed at me, as if it was on her face.

''You are the one you call the Son of Darkness.


 A chill went down my spine at the tone that resembled worship.

(....really, euphoric...)

 That's why the voice was so sweet, and that's why it was more terrifying.

 Mr. Kilt must have felt the same thing.

'I can't tell you the details of my plans. But trust me.

 She nodded.

'It would be obvious. It's not such a joke, a suggestion or anything.


 Kilt-san reasserts his 'Great Sword of Thunder'.

 I'm not going to listen any more - so strong iron will was felt.


'The Flying Dragon Lady' let out a disappointed breath.


 But exuding a dark joy that allowed her to release the urge to destroy and kill that she had been hiding inside.

'Then it can't be helped. The possibility of a fight was part of his plan. It's sad, but let's kill each other to do each other's will, shall we?

 A bewitching smile.

 Mr. Kilt responded with a ferocious smile, too.

'Very well.'


 It felt like my skin was bubbling.

 Even I realized that an intense killing intent had begun to swirl in this space.


 sizzling sound

He tightened his grip on the hilt of the 'Fairy Sword'.

 The eyes of the nine 'tattooed men and women' glittered with killing intent.

''Let's go, Marl!''

 We start to move in response to Kirt's voice.

 --The battle between the six of us and the nine "tattooed men and women" has thus come to a head.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

God's release!

 I open the faucet of power in my body and transform into 'God Body Mode'.

 Snap! Snap!

 Popping white sparks.

 He has beast ears and a large tail.

 On his back, he has rainbow-colored wings from the Divine Armament, and in his hands, he holds a two-handed sword that has evolved into a rainbow-colored machete sword, with light particles clinging to the Fairy Sword.

The 'Flying Dragon Woman' let out a murmur mixed with awe.


 I held the sword in my right eye.

 Next to me, Mr. Kilt looked at me and smiled dependably, then, with the Great Sword of Thunder resting on his shoulder, he faced the Tattooed Men and Women and held it low.

 A sensation as if the air was compressing.

 The density of the killing intent is increasing tremendously.

''--Do it.''

A short order from the Flying Dragon Lady.

 Instantly, five 'tattooed men and women' attacked.


 Speed that leaves an afterimage.

 The only two interceptors are me and Kilt-san, who are standing in the vanguard.

 Two against five.

(But we have to do it!)

 At that time, the sharp voice of Illtimina-san, who was waiting behind me, rang out.

''--Hagenshi, White Dance!

 Feathers of light blew out around them, which converged to create the three 'Women of Light'.

(Mr. Illtimina!)

 That's what I'm talking about!
 Reliable reinforcements.

 Now it's five to five.

 We all stepped forward at once.


 Unleashing a flash of full force from a step that could dent the earth.

 Doggas goggles, gagiiiiiiin.


 My sword slashes off the right arm of one of the "tattooed men" - but the "tattooed man" doesn't care and strikes me with the wound on his right arm.


 A tremendous impact.

 But it was the metal wings on my back that went around the front of my body and automatically prevented me from doing so, like a shield.

(Coro, thank you!)

 Quickly, he swings his returning sword.


 But the "Tattooed Man" easily dodges a blow to the neck, jumping backwards.

 That's our offense and defense.

 But in the meantime, the situation of the other four people had changed drastically.

The Women of Light were thrusting their spears of light at the rushing men and women with tattoos.

 The sharp thrusts hit the bodies of the men and women with tattoos.

 However, just as I did, the tattooed men and women attacked without regard to their injuries and beat up the women of light.

 Popping wings of light.

 Two of them, whose heads were destroyed, disappeared and one of them had his left arm blown off.

 Looking at it, some of the 'tattooed men and women' who received the 'spear of light' were pierced in the abdomen and spilled their internal organs. Even so, they didn't feel any pain, pushing their internal organs into the wounds, and the wounds smoked up and were repaired.

(What an endurance........)

 The guy I sent my right arm flying also seemed unfazed.

 Aiming to strike each other.

 It's a battle strategy that makes the most of his physical abilities.

 A shiver runs down my spine.

(If it weren't for Kolo, I'd be beaten too.)

 The only person who was not in danger was Mr. Kilt.

 Through a series of offensive and defensive actions, Mr. Kilt's opponent lost his left arm at the base of his shoulder.

 Three to five.

 We were outnumbered again.

(But we didn't lose!)

 We've been pushing them back properly and wounding them as well. If we repeat this, even the other side will exceed the limits of their physical endurance and we will be defeated at some point.

 At least we've already taken down one of them.

 Kirt-san's surprise attack seems to have had the effect of showing off the results and giving us confidence.

 For a few seconds.

 And then the attack and defense begins again.


 Now we do it.


 Ssshhh, hyphen.

 He unleashes a series of blows at his wounded opponent.

 The opponent is helpless.

 They may have durability, but they don't have the strength of the "Tyrant's Tortoise". If it hits you, you will be wounded.

 And yet.

No hit.

 The other side isn't stupid either.

 By focusing on evasion, they were dodging all of our attacks.

 Too fast.

Even though he was in 'God Body Mode', the other side was one better speed than us.



 At that moment, the fingers of my remaining left hand grabbed the sword I had swung down and caught it.

(No way!)

 This is such a master stroke.

 The sword doesn't move, as if caught in a vise. 

 A moment of stagnation.

 Then, one "tattooed woman" who had an excess number of people attacked us.

(Well, not good!)

 Let go of the sword and you lose your weapon.

 Jeez, jeez........

 At that time, the 'silvery white cuirass' on his left arm trembled and a beautiful 'silvery white wolf' flew out of that magic stone.



 The 'tattooed woman' was astonished.

 The fangs protruding from the tattooed skin easily severed its neck as it bit into its neck and the giant body spun around it with a gurgle, and the fangs protruding from the tattooed skin easily severed its neck.


 The head that fell to the ground was crushed by a white and silver foot.


The White Silver Wolf howled majestically.


 I was trembling with joy, but the situation didn't end there.


 As if to graze my cheek, a white winged spear was thrust out from behind at a terrific speed.

 It stabbed into the face of the 'tattooed man' who was holding my sword.



 A piece of man's flesh and blood collides with my startled face.

"Are you all right, Merle?

 Penetrating the momentary gap, the 'Silver Seal Demon Hunter', who killed the 'tattooed man' from behind, calls out to me in a caring manner.


 She was the support person, she saw the odds against me and was quick to help me out.

 How reliable.........


 At that moment, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the scene of the last 'woman of light' being torn apart from her body.

 She becomes a feather of light and disappears.

 Mr. Quilt is Mr. Quilt, and what a surprise, he is fighting alone against the two 'tattooed men'.

 And the 'tattooed woman' who defeated the 'woman of light' transformed.

 Mekimeki, Gakiin.

 Its skin breaks and from underneath, a rock-like skin rises up.

 What appeared was the 'rock man'.

 I can only describe it as such.

 The gray, cloudy skin was uneven like a rock, with four jewel-like eye parts. And yet, the beautiful blonde hair is still intact.


 A tremendous 'pressure'.


 The figure of the demon that finally appeared was momentarily pressurized.


 In response, an earth spirit beast made of white and silver ore pounced on it with great speed.

 Gakki Gigi Gigi........

 Biting the neck precisely, but the fangs don't go through. 

(Watch out!)


 He was struck in the defenseless abdomen and the silvery white behemoth bounced.

 The ore in his abdomen cracked and shattered, and the fragments fluttered beautifully in the air, shimmering like a rain of light.

 Unable to resist, the spirit released its fangs and staggered.

The 'rock-human woman' raised her fist to give chase.

I won't let you! 

 I flapped my rainbow-colored wings and attacked from low altitude.


The rainbow-colored machete sword that cut through even the skin of the "Tyrant's Tortoise" severed the left arm of the "Rock Man Woman".

 The rock's expression is one of surprise.

 But it doesn't seem to be in pain.


 The right fist, which was immediately swung down, was hurriedly caught by the rainbow colored wings.

 Gogo on.


 Metal feathers scattered, and a fist slammed into my abdomen.

 The fairy iron armor caved in and cracked.

 Gopop, blood poured from my mouth.

 The rainbow-colored wings and armor should have reduced its power, but this power.......I crashed to the ground.


 Illtimina-san's distressed cry.

 In order not to let her chase me, she enters in front of me and makes an onslaught on the 'rock human woman'.

(Ugh, I can't move...)

 With just one blow, I couldn't move my limbs well.

 And the 'White Silver Wolf' pushed the injury and sucked on my collar and dragged me backwards.


 Solstice is rushing over to him in a hurry.

 Gigi, Gigi........

 Confirming the girl's approach, the proud genie who had lost most of her abdomen finally returns to the magic stone in my 'White Silver Armor'.


 I can't even call out to him.

'Ugh, you're lying, myself.'

 Rapt and Lectoris also came with Solstice, frowning at my injuries.

 Solstice looked at me with a serious look on her face.

"Your organs are gone,


 He coughed, and blood flew to the girl's face as well.

'You can fix it, can't you?'
Of course.

 Solstice nodded widely at Rapt's serious question.

 Then, he held up his great staff and made the magic stone glow green.


Sol, it's coming your way!

 Illtimina-san's warning flew.

 The four 'tattooed men and women' who were still waiting in the rear, three of them, excluding the 'flying dragon woman', leapt lightly over the heads of those fighting on the front line and came at us.

''Rapt, Lectoris, please!

 A shout from Mr. Kilt, who is dealing with two 'tattooed men'.


Raptor, let's go.

 The two 'Divine Fangirls' stand up.

 Recto Alice stands in front of me and Solstice, who is healing her, and Rapt stands further in front of her.

 Aiming at that Rapt, one of the 'tattooed men' comes at me.


 Rapt catches it with his horned forehead.

 Doggone it.

 The ground caved in upon impact, and the wind pressure spread out.

''Don't lick the divine Fang Luo!


 Particles of iridescent light gathered in the clenched fist of the boy of the divine race, forming a metallic fist.

 It shot out, leaving a trail of light.


 The fist of the 'Divine Armament' with divine qi in it blasted the 'Tattooed Man''s abdomen, blowing it up and down in two.

 At the same time, Recto Alice opened her third eye and clasped her hands together in front of her chest with a pan.

''O divine Chain, capture the divine enemy!


 A red magic circle of divine arts unfolded around her feet, and at her feet, a red magic circle of divine arts unfolded.

 From there, countless chains of light made of red divine letters sprouted out and entwined with the bodies of the two 'tattooed men and women' who jumped at us as if they were alive.


 The two men stopped moving.

 But in the next moment, their bodies swelled up as the two tattoos lit up.

 Mekimisi, mekikikii. 

 It's a 3-medium tall bull-headed man (minotaur).

 It has a male and a female, with male and female horns growing on one side and no horns on the other.

 The muscular mass of the demon tries to break the chains of red light entangled in its limbs with its tremendous power. The red light flickers painfully and Recto Alice's expression distorts as the red light flickers bitterly.

''Not yet!''

 A rare Recto Alice scream.

 A moment later, particles of iridescent light swirled around her, which twisted into chains of red light, fusing metal and light.

 A chain of divine red metal. 

 That shining chain shows no signs of shredding, even with the power of two bull-headed people.


 Nevertheless, the two bull-headed people rampaged around, breathing hot from their mouths and screaming with a yell.

 The ground shattered on the spur of the moment, and the raptors would catch or knock off the bouncing rocks as they flew towards us.

 And in the meantime, my healing was over.

(.........I can breathe.)

 The limbs moved, too.

 Solstice wiped the sweat glistening on her forehead with her tiny arms.

'It's all right now.'
Well thank you, Solstice.

 I stood up.

 Once again, I look at the battlefield.

 The number of "tattooed men and women" I've defeated is 4 out of 10.

 There are six remaining.

 Currently, Kilt-san is struggling against two of them.

 Illtimina-san's opponent is one of the 'Rock Man Woman'.

 Rapt and Recto Alice are two of the "Female Cow-headed People".

 They are fighting with each of them.

 Now there are five in total. 

 The remaining one, the 'Flying Dragon Woman', remained standing at the back, calmly watching the situation.

''As expected of Alzeus' divine Fang Luo.......a troublesome existence.

 A low murmur as she looked at us.

 Then she exhaled heavily and took off the black robe she was wearing.

 The beautiful naked body that appears.

 The tattoos carved there emit a strong pale light.

 Mekiri, Mishimisi, Zuzun.

 And what appeared was the huge body of the 'Jet Black Flying Dragon'.


 A tremendous 'pressure' spread across the battlefield.

 It's as if a gust of wind has blown.

 Unexpectedly, Solstice's expression tightened and she stiffened herself.

 Dragon species.

 Just by being the world's strongest demon race, its strength gives an exceptional impression.

 The 'Flying Dragon Woman' who had transformed into the strongest dragon that ruled the sky, quietly looked up at the sky with her blood-like twin eyes.

 The one in front of her gaze is the 'Rock of the Seal'.


 The giant wing membrane spread out and the giant body took off into the sky.


 Ignoring us, the black behemoth flew off into the sky.

 Eventually, the flying dragon stopped in the sky and opened its mouth wide.


 From the back of its throat, it shot out a huge fireball.

 The destination of the fierce mass of fire was the 'Sealing Rock' where the ancient demon was sealed - the 'God's Seal' itself that was applied there.


 A direct hit.

 The rock face shattered and the plants that grew on it were burned and fell to the ground.


 Recto Alice shouted.

''That sealing technique may be strong against the impact from within, but it should be incomparably fragile to the impact from the outside. If this is the case, the seal will be distorted and broken by the demon from within!


 The black flying dragon, while astonished, was sending fireballs flying over and over again.


 In the 'sealing rock' like a distant floating island, there were multiple explosions and the entire rock was shaking in the air.

 Mr. Kilt shouted.

'Go, Marl!'

 Her golden eyes stare at me with a strong light in them.

"You are the only one who can fight in the sky! That power as a 'divine dog', let's show it here and now!

 I had to go it alone.

Slay that flying dragon?

 In the spiritual world, I was battered and defeated.

 The horror of the physical pain that was inflicted on me at that time still lingers in my mind.


Merle, go!

 Mr. Illtimina shouted strongly.

'I can do it myself, Marl.
We'll take care of this. Just go!

 Rapt and Lectoris also laughed as they desperately protected us from the cow-headed people.


 Solstice's little palm slaps me on the back.

'You wouldn't be a man if you pulled back here, would you?
Go ahead, stupid Merle.

 The beautiful girl laughed.

"We're so proud of you. You'll have to show them what you can do.

I'm so proud of you.

 The words made my heart tremble.


 I nodded broadly.


 It's different from when I was in the spirit world.

 Now I have equipment other than The Fairy Sword, and I have friends who believe in me more than I do, such as I do.

(That's right, Marle.)

 Don't let fear stop you.

 You got over that in your training, Kirt.

 I tighten my grip on the hilt of my sword.

 And my blue eyes looked up at the sky strongly.

 The huge black flying dragon flying there - I'm going to defeat him with my own hands.


 Iridescent metal wings glowed and spread wide.

'I'm going!'

 With a shout, my wings flap.

 A cloud of dirt smoke curls up and I fly away, leaving a trail of light like an arrow of light from its center.

 The black flying dragon noticed me.

 Its blood-like binoculars catch me, and a huge head looks at me.


 With the spirit of the cleaver, I thinned out on that side and sharply flashed this 'rainbow-colored machete sword' held in both hands - a sharp flash.