2-Episode 1 Baron Stein

"I'm sorry for all the trouble Your Majesty has caused you, Master Taro.

There's a lot that goes on when you're in the service of a king.

So........you too, Mister Taro....

("There may be no king, but when you're a businessman, you're not immune to unreasonable bosses.")

 I, Taro Kato (41 years old, single, my job title in the company is section chief), was suddenly summoned to a world full of deserts as a "change agent", but it seems that I did not meet the king's expectations.
 I'll support you at least, but I don't have any more business to attend to, so I was told to stay back.
 He doesn't even want to see me anymore.
 It would have been better if I was young and handsome, but I was also called out unreasonably, so I didn't bother to respond to their request.
 It seems that the male nobleman who explained the situation to me earlier also resigned from the king's presence together with me, and then he ended up taking care of me by accident.
 As soon as we were alone, he apologized to me.

 He is also a nobleman, so I don't know if he would have apologized honestly like this if I hadn't claimed to be a nobleman.
 After all, I'm glad I called myself an aristocrat, even if I was bluffing.
 Also, I'm glad I have a last name, and this is the moment in my life when I can realize that more than ever before.

''Taro-dono, let me introduce myself.......you were a nobleman. That's why you wear nice clothes like that.

Yeah, well...

 I had been summoned in my sleep, so my current attire was in a sweatshirt top and bottom instead of my nightgown.
 It didn't look like very noble clothing, but I heard it was good that the sweatshirt was purple in color.
 It is said that purple is a noble color in this world, as it was in old Japan as well.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to be wearing such purple clothes as my nightgown, but I'm sure I'm a nobleman.
 From the king's point of view, even though I'm a nobleman from another world, 'You wear purple clothes without permission! So there was a lot of anger against me.
 And I'm a dull old man.

"If you could, you wouldn't walk out of the castle dressed like that.

'I was summoned out of the blue, and I have no other clothes with me but these.

'We'll supply you with new clothes, of course. You'll have to come over here to talk to me about something else.

 I was guided by a male nobleman to a room in the castle. 

''Then, once again. I am Liebling Stein. I'm a baron and I'm a financial bureaucrat here in the Kingdom of Burt.

 It's more like a law-suited aristocrat who doesn't have a fiefdom and has inherited a bureaucratic position.
 He looked like a middle manager, and as a section chief in the company, I felt sympathy for him, as I was caught between the boards.
 I smelled that we were the same kind.
 They seem to be close in age.

''Baron Stein-sama........''

You don't need a master. After all, you're a nobleman. Speaking of which, a title?

'A baronet, sir. I don't have a fiefdom, though.

 Since I was bluffing, I was going to say that I was a knight baron of the lowest class, but come to think of it, I'm wearing a purple suet.
 Since it would be unnatural to be a knight, I decided to call him a baron, just like Baron Stein.
 Since he is my caretaker, the conversation should proceed more quickly that way.

''If it's the same baron, I don't need an extra sire.

'So, Baron Stein. What happens to me now?

Take a month or so of basic training to up your game.


Doesn't that raise the bar in Lord Tallow's world?

There are no levels or anything like that.

Well that would be a lot of work.

Yeah... (Not really... but...)

 It's kind of like the RPGs I played when I was a kid.
 I can't believe I'm going up a level.

''The 'transformers' have talents, skills, and abilities that those in this world don't have, but as it is, they're no different than normal people.

 So they spend a month or so doing basic training, raising the level and bringing out the specialties and other skills that would benefit this world.
 At the same time, they would become stronger and less likely to die.
 It was easy to imagine that the desert that made up the majority of this world had monsters called sand beasts, so it was easy to imagine that this was a world where people could easily die.

''The truth is, it takes years to do that. The 'transformer' can only be summoned once every fifty years, so they are valuable. We don't want them to die. But His Majesty doesn't like you.

That's just the way he was acting.

 The main reason for that is that I was a dull old man, and that's the biggest reason I don't have any hope for the future of this country.
 I'm the king who decides what people like and dislike about such things.

'His Majesty is a perfectionist. He's been warped by the struggles of succession.''

 According to Baron Stein, the king was not a natural successor to the throne.
 He was not well supported by the nobility because of his brother's sudden death.

The elder brother prince who died suddenly was a very talented man. There are still many people who regret the talents of the elder prince. Knowing this, His Majesty is reluctant to have a man like you around to ensure that he remains famous as an outstanding king.

 You don't need a dull old man to be a 'change agent' for you as you struggle to achieve great things in the future.
 It's not hard to understand, but you have to make a proper assessment of the person I am first.
 If the king of a country is surrounded by people who only have good looks and good opinions, the future of that country will be in doubt.
 It may be a tragedy that he has become so, because he inherited a throne that should not have come around.

''I'd better distance myself from this as soon as possible.......'' ''Thanks to Baron Stein, I wasn't suddenly thrown out of the picture. I'm grateful for that.

You have had a life in the other world, Taro-dono. I'm not going to be able to say that I'm not a good person. I don't think it's a good idea for a human being to just suddenly throw them out.

 Baron Stein was a very good man.
 But you wouldn't be able to rise in the ranks under that king.
 You can't get ahead because of your abilities, because even if you think that as a child, when you grow up and work in an organization or a company, you will realize that it's not necessarily true.

So, what will I do now?

''I'm a civilian officer, so I can't train Lord Taro. There is a manual called the 'Changer Training Program' that has been handed down in our Burt Kingdom, and the officers of the Royal Army have mastered it. Together with them, we should be training in the desert outside the royal capital.

 At my age, I'm fighting a monster.
 They say that humans are creatures of the environment and that we were summoned to this world because we have some kind of talent, so we'll just have to do it.
 Think of it as a big game.

Then let me show you to the barracks. The officer in charge is Major Sander, I believe. He's a good man, and he takes good care of himself, so you don't have to worry.

 Guided by Baron Stein, I head to the barracks next to the royal castle.
 This is where I will receive combat training from the soldiers to draw out my talents as a "change agent" and acquire the ability to survive in this world.

 Now, let's see what happens from now on.