35-a shrine in the afterlife





 我使用 "切出 "一词是有原因的。



 弘扬金。我想知道它是否与我身上的 "茶花月独奏 "是同一材料制成的。




 我完全被吓了一跳,迅速转过身来,看到 "我的头像 "站在我面前。











 Shuten. If I were to rewrite it in kanji, it would be "drunkard.
 I've heard that name so many times.

'What's with the slow reaction? You could have been more surprised, you know?

'Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm confused.'

'I'm sure you are. When I snatched you from the True Dragon, you were already in the midst of your death.

 That's probably true. In the first place, if you had been left alone, you would have died from the passage of time, from falling damage, and from magic.
 It's hard to find a situation where all three factors are fatal.

 And then there's that huge spell.
 He said "Kotorimahou," but I have no idea what the actual words are.
 The most I can think of is 'reason'.

 I wonder what happened to the swamp. At least there was no one around while Lowe and I were fighting, but that's magic on that scale.
 There must have been a huge crater in the field.
 Now that I think about it, did the lizard monsters lurking in the background indicate the appearance of the dragon?
 I don't know, and Lowe didn't seem to know either with his reaction, but maybe Rin does.

'Truth magic' is magic that has reached its peak. If all magic is mastered, it will end up in truth magic. Aside from being able to cast it. It can only be used with immense magic power and precise magic control.

 I wonder if all magic, and by that I mean recovery magic and support magic, ends up being that kind of magic.
 I thought so, but I couldn't imagine the ultimate form of non-offensive magic.

'Anyway, it's too old for people to handle. Not even the apocalypse is easy to shoot. And you've even stopped the clock. I'm sure they're resting now.

 The drunkard laughs heartily.
 I wonder if they're not close. Or is it because they are close?
 In any case, the dragon's words of 'reward' may not be entirely wrong.
 If we are to believe the drunkard's words, then it was the magic he showed us in exchange for considerable wear and tear.

'Can you use it too, drunkard?

'Kukuku, it would be a great feeling to be able to use it. But then again, I'm the furthest thing from magic and sorcery. Didn't I tell you? I'm the one who controls all the children.

 You know that, don't you? I felt something click with the drunkard as he questioned me with his eyes.

'...... drunkard,《Doji》'

'Left. I'm in charge of extremely pure violence. In that sense, you could say that I and that dragon are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

 The dragon who mastered magic and the demon who mastered power.
 I felt as if I finally understood the reason for the existence of the special occupation of "Doji".
 Because the demon in front of me now exists in this world.
 That's why the occupation of 《Dohji》 was born.

'Well, I'll give a guidance to my family members who have not been here in hundreds of years.

 The drunkard took out an iron fan from nowhere and said with a smile.

'In order for you to evolve my power, ...... you will need to have at least 70 proficiencies, as you call them, in your language. Now it's up to you to show the world what you can do. Kuk, I don't think you need to worry about that.

 Show the world your power. Does that mean earning a title like you did when you defeated the Named, or selling your name to NPCs anyway?
 It's a guide, but it doesn't seem to tell you the answer itself.

'Proficiency 70 is a long way from 90 levels .......'

I'm not so sure about that. The human woman who took a shot at the True Dragon with you, she was already over 60. It's also a good material, but if you mess with that human race, you'll get in trouble.

 As far as the fed up look on the face of the drunkard, it seems that the 'troublesome one' is a very troublesome opponent.
 Even this demon god in front of him, who has a presence that rivals that of a true dragon, is considered troublesome.

'You mean there are people like drunkards among the human race?

'You understand quickly. But it's a little different from what you imagine. We do not watch over our species, but rather decide who to watch over based on their profession, as you call it. In that sense, I am a rare being. In any case, there are too few people to watch over. On the contrary, demon gods and sword gods always seem to be busy. Especially demons since they have the apocalypse in their clan.

'You want that thing to be my wife ......? I think it would make more sense if you said it had a family.

'Well... His True Dragon wasn't originally as powerful as that. If it wasn't for the fact that no one else had reached the demon gods before him, his dragon would have been called a demon god by now.

 I feel like I'm listening to something very important. But to be honest, I was too tired to really digest it.

'Hmm, too much chatter. But be patient. Whoever chipped his horn should be rewarded with one. The dragon thinks that showing off his magic is a reward, but only a magic fool would appreciate that.

 A reward. With a slightly exciting sound, the drunkard pulled out a hairpin of a different color than the previous one. The design is also that of the Onigami. The material may be different.
 I turned away, following his gesture to turn around, and he tied my hair with it.

'This is a landmark to help you reach this shrine. This is the world of the dead, and you need a landmark to reach it from this world.

'If I wear this, will I be able to come here again?

'When your proficiency in your profession exceeds 30, head for the place where it all began. Go to the shrine at the end of the world and offer your prayers in my name. I am waiting for you in the innermost recesses of the astral world.

 I trace his words, one by one, as if they were a prophecy.
 My proficiency level is 30, which means I'm over 50 on the normal level.
 When I reach that point, I will have to go to the place of the beginning ......, or the city of the beginning, and reach the shrine somewhere in the forest of the end in the south.

'The inhabitants of the afterlife are only the strong. You can take your friends with you, or you can go it alone. Do not underestimate them.

"Extra Quest: Shrine of the End, Ghost World" has begun.
'Accessory: Onigamino Hairpin, Copper' has been obtained.

'Don't be in a hurry. I'm counting on you, Skuna.

 Apparently, this was a formal quest.
 He stroked the copper-colored hairpin a little, and felt its cool touch comforting.

'Well then. Rest easy first.'

 The drunkard's right hand wavered.
 By the time I thought that, my HP had been neatly shaved off, and my body, which was just waiting to die, was met with a dreadful death penalty.

 You're going to kill me after all.
 It wasn't my fault that I thought that, but the look on the drunkard's face before he returned me to the respawn point was so happy that I decided to complain the next time I saw him.